Glossary Plant Breeding

a glossary for plant breeding practices and application

a glossary for plant breeding practices and application


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Positive Control. Regulation mediated by a protein that is required for the activation of a

transcription unit. Expression of the gene requires activating signal.

Potential Variability. A kind of bound variability that is released slowly in subsequent

generations when it gets converted into free variability following segregation. In most

cases, it occurs in the heterozygotes. However, if two or more genes affect the same

trait in completely additive manner, potential variability will occur in AaBb, AAbb

and aaBB. The latter two genotypes contain homozygotic potential variability that is

released very slowly because it is first converted into heterozygotic potential

variability by crossing and then converted into free variability.

Primary Structure. The sequence of amino acids in the polypeptide chain.

Primase. An enzyme that makes RNA primers during DNA replication.

Primer. A short single-stranded RNA or DNA that can act as a start site for 3’ chain

growth when bound to a single-stranded template.

Primer Walking. The use of a primer based on a sequenced area of a genome to

sequence into a flanking unsequenced area.

Prepotency. The capacity of a parent to impress its characteristics on its offspring so

they are more alike than usual. Differences in prepotency depend on homozygosity,

dominance, epistasis, and linkage. A homozygote dominant at all loci would excel in

prepotency because its close relatives would be unusually alike. Such an individual

produces only one kind of gamete; therefore, upon selfing or crossing inter se of

individuals with the same genotype will produce individuals of the same kind, that is,

genetic correlations among relatives will be very high. Multiple heterozygotes, which

produce many kinds of gametes (and hence, many kinds of individuals upon selfing),

are generally not highly prepotent.

Pre-Breeding. The sum total of all the activities related to germplasm enhancement for

future use in varietal development.

Precision Agriculture. Agriculture that makes an effective use of information

technology through data available on soil, water, environment and other related



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