Glossary Plant Breeding

a glossary for plant breeding practices and application

a glossary for plant breeding practices and application


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Outbreeding. Mating between relatives occurring less commonly than would occur by

chance. Said in another way, it is a mating system in which mating is between

individuals less closely related than individuals mating at random. The overall

consequence of outbreeding is to prevent differentiation of populations. Also called

negative inbreeding.

Outcross. A cross, usually natural, to a plant of different genotype.

Overcompensatory Interaction. An interaction between two or more genotypes such

that they cooperate each other to mutual advantage. Cooperating genotypes have a

history of mutual selection. This kind of interaction is expected to approach towards

stable equilibrium. This system is something akin to a system involving heterozygote

advantage over homozygotes, and properties similar to that of favourable epistatic

interactions between or among different loci.

Overdominance Hypothesis. An assumption based on the superiority of heterozygote

compared to homozygous parents. The superiority increases in proportion to the

amount of heterozygosity. The implication is that the two different alleles in the

heterozygote (A 1 A 2 ) perform different functions, and that the sum of their different

products is superior to the single product produced by either allele in homozygous

state (A 1 A 1 / A 2 A 2 ). There are in fact at least some evidences at which the

heterozygote (for blood group) is indeed superior to homozygotes. However, for

metric traits, what is observed as overdominance is not the real one because the level

of dominance is overestimated due to repulsion phase linkages.

Overdominance. Dominance such that the heterozygote falls outside the range of a

parent with greater phenotypic value, AB blood group compared to AA and BB groups

in humans, for example. True overdominance (single locus heterozygote advantage

over homozygotes) is almost certainly rare; however, dominance and/ or epistasis

together with linkage are capable of simulating overdominance.

Oxidative Phosphorylation. ATP synthesis by phosphorylation of ADP using the energy

provided by electron transfer during aerobic respiration.


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