Glossary Plant Breeding

a glossary for plant breeding practices and application

a glossary for plant breeding practices and application


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Non-Mendelian Ratio. An unusual ratio of progeny phenotypes that does not conform to

the simple operation of Mendel’s laws of inheritance. For example, mutant: wild

ratios of 3: 5, 5: 3, 6: 2 or 2: 6 in tetrads indicate that gene conversion has occurred.

Non-Preference. An insect response to characteristics of plants that make them

undesirable for use by insects as a site for reproduction, food, shelter, or any

combination of these three. Two types of non-preferences have been reported : (a) one

that is manifested only in the presence of the preferred host, and (b) the second even

in the absence of the preferred host. Such a mechanism is strong enough to force the

insects to starve, particularly in early instar stages. Therefore, the extreme nonpreference

may be mistaken for antibiosis and vice-versa. The plant characters that

influence non-preferences include colour, light reflection, type of pubescence, leaf

angle, odour, taste, etc. It has been observed that nectariless cultivars of cotton are

resistant to cotton ball worm. Similarly, yellow-green varieties of peas are less

desirable to the pea aphid than are blue-green cultivars. Solid stem has been

associated with resistance to stem saw fly and stem borer in wheat and maize,

respectively. However, solid stem is often associated with low yielding capacity, and

precisely for this reason, resistant cultivars are not grown where these insects are

problems in the respective crops. It seems likely that non-preference is polygenically


Non-Random Mating. Deviations from random mating based either on mating of like to

like or on mating of unlikes. Both assortative and disassortative mating are nonrandom

mating systems.

Nonsense Codon. A codon for which no formal tRNA molecule exists, and the presence

of which causes termination of translation of genetic message in the form of ending of

the polypeptide chain. Three such codons are UAG, UGA and UAA. Though these

bear the sense of termination of polypeptide chain, this misnomer still exists. (The use

of the term such as stop codon instead of calling it nonsense one seems to be the most



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