Glossary Plant Breeding

a glossary for plant breeding practices and application

a glossary for plant breeding practices and application


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production were also added to the TM. The mission ended by the end of ninth fiveyear


Telocentric Chromosome. A chromosome having the centromere (placed) at one end.

Telomerase. An enzyme that acts from telomeric end; an enzyme that adds repetitive

units to the ends of linear chromosomes to prevent shortening after replication, by

using a special small RNA as a template. By way of its action, it shortens the length

of a chromosome. Cancerous cells do not have this enzyme.

Telomere. The tip (or end) of a chromosome. It consists of repetitive units of nucleotides,

which possibly confer non-sticky property to the telomere.

Telophase. The last stage in cell division during which daughter chromosomes reach

towards respective poles and daughter nuclei re-form.

Telotrisomics. An otherwise diploid individual carrying a telocentric chromosome as the

extra one (2n + telocentric chromosome). The total number of telotrisomics amounts

to 2n.

Temperate Phage. A phage that can become a prophage.

Temperature-sensitive Mutation. A conditional mutation that produces the mutant

phenotype in one temperature range and the wild-type phenotype in another

temperature range.

Template. Amolecularmold that shapes the structure or sequence of another molecule.

For instance, the nucleotide sequence of DNA acts as a template to control the

nucleotide sequence of RNA during transcription.

Teosinte Theory (Beadle 1939). An accepted theory for evolution of maize. According

to it, modern maize was derived directly by human selection from teosinte (Zea

mexicana L.). Several scientists and findings in the course of time have substantiated

this old theory.

Teratogen. An agent that interferes with normal development.

Terminalization. A process by which chiasma move towards either end of the paired


Terminator Codon. A chain terminating stop codon.


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