Glossary Plant Breeding

a glossary for plant breeding practices and application

a glossary for plant breeding practices and application


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the incompatible allele in the style opposes the penetration of pollen tubes with the

same allele.

Order Effects. The effects associated with the sequence in which parents are crossed to

produce three-way (triallel) or double cross (quadriallel) hybrids. A critical analysis of

the combining ability effects of higher order provides evidence for the relative

significance of the order in which the parents have been arranged to produce double

cross hybrids. It results as a consequence of epistasis. For instance, if two inbred lines,

A and B, are derived from one source and lines C and D from another, the highestyielding

double cross is likely to be obtained from pairings of the type (A × B) ×(C ×


Order. A systematic category that follows the class but precedes family.

ORF. Open Reading Frame. A section of sequenced piece of DNA that begins with a

start codon (AUG) and ends with a stop codon (any one of UAG, UGA and UAA). It is

presumed to be the coding sequence of a gene.

Organelle. A subcellular structure of characteristic size, shape, and specialized function,

for example, mitochondria, chloroplast, endoplasmic reticulum or nucleolus.

Organism. The unit of a continuous lineage with an individual evolutionary history.

Organogenesis. The process of the production of organ systems in animal


Osmoregulation. The adjustment of osmotic potential. Under water deficit condition,

there is reduction in the osmotic potential of crop plants. This reduction may stem

from either a net increase in the cell solute concentration or the loss of water from the

cell. Thus a genotype having capacity for osmoregulation can maintain turgor pressure

which is necessary for normal cell function and growth. Low osmotic potential can

also result in lowering of the level of leaf water potential, which triggers stomatal

closure in response to water deficit. Osmotic adjustment during seed-filling period

could help maintain photosynthesis under water stress, resulting in improved drought

resistance and yield. Considerable genotypic differences for osmotic adjustment have

been found in sorghum and other crops.


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