Glossary Plant Breeding

a glossary for plant breeding practices and application

a glossary for plant breeding practices and application


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large (40) and the experimental area has a predictable productivity gradient.

However, if becomes necessary, larger number of treatments can be included at the

cost of reducing plot size for each entry within the blocks.

Randomization. Random assignment of treatments to experimental plots. It ensures that

each entry or treatment will have an equal chance of being assigned to any

experimental plot, and consequently of being grown in any particular environment

existing in the experimental site. In essence, it is a technique to obtain an unbiased

estimate of experimental error.

Range. The simplest measure of dispersion. It is the difference between the largest (L)

and the smallest (S) of observations and provides, at least, some idea of the amount of

variability present. It is affected by fluctuations of sampling and is completely

unrelated to any type of frequency distribution. It is unit-dependent and expressed in

the unit of scale of measurement. Thus it cannot be used to compare variability of two

different traits. To make it comparable, a similar statistic called Range Coefficient

[(L-S)/(L+S)] is used.

RAPD. Randomly Amplified Polymorphic DNA; a set of several genomic fragments

amplified by single PCR primer. It is somewhat variable from individual to

individual. Heterozygotes (+ / -) for individual fragments can act as markers in

genome mapping.

Raphanobrassica (Karpechenko 1928). The classical allopolyploid synthesized by

making a cross between Brassica and Raphanus spp. The objective was to combine

the leaves of cabbage (Brassica) and the roots of radish (Raphanus). However, the

result came out to be just reverse. This clearly showed difficulty in predicting the

precise combination of parental characteristics that would appear in ensuing alloploid.

Reaction Norm. The range of phenotypic reactions of a genotype as manifested by the

variety of phenotypes that the specific genotype is able to produce in response to

environmental influences.

Reading Frame. The codon sequence that is determined by reading nucleotides in groups

of three from some specific start codon.


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