Glossary Plant Breeding

a glossary for plant breeding practices and application

a glossary for plant breeding practices and application


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82. Konzak CF. 1956. Induction of mutations for disease resistance in cereals.

Brookhaven Symposia in Biology, No. 9: 157-176.

83. Kumar J, Choudhary AK, Solanki R and Pratap A. 2011. Towards marker assisted

selection in pulses – a review. Plant Breeding 130: 297-313.

84. Lea DE. 1946. Actions of radiations on living cells. Cambridge University Press.

85. Lerner IM. 1954. Genetic homeostasis. Oliver and Boyd, London.

86. Lewis EB. 1951. Pseudoallelism and gene evolution. Cold Spring Harbor

Symposia on Quantitative Biology 16: 159-174.

87. Li CC. 1955. Population genetics and animal improvement. Cambridge University


88. Ma JF, Zheng SJ, Li XF, Takeda K and Matsumoto H. 1997. A rapid hydroponic

screening for aluminum tolerance in barley. Plant and Soil 191: 133—137.

89. Malthus TR. 1798. An essay on the principle of population, as it affects the future

improvement of society, 6th edn. Murray, London.

90. Mather K. 1943. Polygenic inheritance and natural selection. Biology Revolution

18: 32-64.

91. Mather k. 1948. The genetical theory of continuous variation. Proceedings of

Eighth International Congress on Genetics. Pp: 376-401.

92. Mather K. 1949. Biometrical Genetics. Dover, New York.

93. Mayo O. 1987. The Theory of Plant Breeding, 2nd edn. Oxford University Press,

New York.

94. Mendel GJ. 1865.Versuche uber Pflanzenhybriden. English translation by W.

Bateson (1901) in Journal of Royal Horticultural Science 26: 1-32.

95. Naz AA, Kunert A, Lind V, Pillen K and Léon J. 2008. AB-QTL analysis in winter

wheat: II. Genetic analysis of seedling and field resistance against leaf rust in a

wheat advanced backcross population Theoretical and Applied Genetics 116:


96. Painter RH. 1951. Insect resistance in crop plants. The Macmillan Company, New



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