Glossary Plant Breeding

a glossary for plant breeding practices and application

a glossary for plant breeding practices and application


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barriers of several resistance to the pathogen population simultaneously. It should be

an effective strategy because a new race, to overcome multiple resistance genes, must

have two or more simultaneous changes towards the virulence, whereas a new race

needs only one change towards virulence to overcome a single gene for resistance. It

can be effective if the breeding is coordinated centrally, and the production area is

isolated from other areas where the system is not applied.

Multivalent. A pairing configuration of three or more completely or partially

homologous chromosomes observed during meiosis-I. Multivalent formation is a

characteristic feature of autopolyploids.

Mutagen. An agent (physical, chemical or even biological) that is capable of increasing

the mutation rate.

Mutagen Effectiveness. The number of induced mutations per unit dose of a mutagen.

Mutagen Efficiency. A ratio of specific desirable mutagenic change(s) to the undesired

effects such as plant damage, sterility, lethality, and the like.

Mutant. An organism or cell carrying a detectable mutation. The term is an adjective;

thus it must precede a noun (a mutant individual, for example).

Mutant Allele. An allele differing from the allele found in the standard or wild type.

Mutant Hunt. The process of collecting different mutants showing abnormalities in a

certain structure or in a certain function, as a preparation for mutational dissection of

that function.

Mutant Site. The damaged or altered area within a mutated gene.

Mutagenesis. Treatment of plants or plant parts with a mutagen to increase mutation


Mutation Breeding. A system of breeding in which plants/plant parts/seeds or any kinds

of propagules are treated with any kind of mutagen accompanied by selection for

desired types in succeeding generations.

Mutational Equilibrium. The product of frequency of mutations per individual per

generation and average number of generations during which mutated gene is

maintained in the population before it is eliminated.


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