Glossary Plant Breeding

a glossary for plant breeding practices and application

a glossary for plant breeding practices and application


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is dependent upon genetically controlled threshold - the point at which a stimulus

(gene) produces a response (character), e.g., temperature sensitive albinism.

Thymidine. The nucleoside having thymine as its base.

Thymine Dimer. A pair of chemically bonded adjacent thymine bases in DNA. If

present, this lesion is repaired by cellular processes. However, errors may be left

during DNA repair that ultimately results in mutation.

Thymine. A pyrimidine base that pairs with adenine in a DNA double helix. It has a

single ring structure compared to its pairing partner, which has two.

Ti Plasmid. Tumour Inducing Plasmid; a vector for gene transfer to plant cells. It is a

circular plasmid that enables the bacterium to infect plant cells. It is contained outside

genome of Agrobacterium tumefaciens and causes crown gall of plants. It has a vir

region (responsible for virulence towards the host) and a T-DNA region that is

transferred to the host along with the gene intended to be transferred. It has selectable

marker genes that help in selecting transformed cells.

Tift 23A (Burton 1965). A cytoplasmic male sterile line containing A 1 cytoplasm. The

male-sterile condition was found due to homozygous recessive alleles of a nuclear

gene pair ‘ms 1 ms 1 ’, besides sterile cytoplasm. It was used previously as a female

parent to develop hybrid bajra (HB series). Its use stopped after 1970 when it gave

way to downy mildew.

Tissue. A mass of cells woven together with their intercellular substances.

Tissue Culture. In vitro culture of cells, tissues, organs, etc on an artificial medium

under aseptic condition.

Tissue Specific Expression. Theexpressionofageneinahighereukaryoteinaspecific

and reproducible subset of tissues and cells during development.

Tolerance (Insect Pests). The ability of the host to grow and reproduce or to repair insect

injury to a marked degree in spite of supporting an insect population nearly equal to

that damaging a susceptible host. Tolerance, which is measured through yield

depression being minor, is polygenically determined. A tolerant and non-tolerant

cultivar would be indistinguishable when rated for the number of insects present, but

they would less affect the tolerant one. Tolerance differs from non-preference and


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