Glossary Plant Breeding

a glossary for plant breeding practices and application

a glossary for plant breeding practices and application


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Viroids. Very small particles consisting of genetic material alone (RNA) and lacking

enclosing membrane (of protein). It causes certain diseases in plants, potato spindle

tuber (the simplest infectitious agent), for example. Viroids are simpler than viruses.

Virulence. Capacity of a pathogen to incite a disease. A measure of degree of

pathogenicity of a pathogen. It is used to denote qualitative rather than quantitative

differences in the pathogenicity of races of pathogens. According to Van der Plank

(1975), virulence and avirulence in the pathogen are the counterparts of vertical

susceptibility and vertical resistance in the host, respectively. Virulence involves gene

diversity, probably largely through mutation.

Virulent Phage. A phage that cannot become a prophage. Such a phage after infection

always leads to lysis of the host cell.

Virus. Any of the infectitious, subcellular, and ultramicroscopic particles representing

potentially pathogenic agents. A virus consists of a nucleic acid (DNA/RNA) plus

protein (capsid). These are independent genetic systems (endowed with genetic

continuity and mutability) which possess their own evolutionary history. Viruses have

only their own genetic material; they lack in a cell membrane, a metabolic machinery,

and a biosynthetic machinery for the synthesis of proteins. Therefore, they are not

considered to be living organisms. They use the synthetic machinery of host cells for

their multiplication. Major groups of viruses are bacteriophages (bacteria “eater”),

animal viruses (DNA + protein), and plant viruses (RNA + protein). Viruses may be

as small as X174 (having only 12 capsomeres), and as large as adeno virus (252


Virus ( of computer). A software (computer programme) written to destroy or corrupt

data in a computer. It is transferred from one computer to another through floppy

disks and compact disks (CD’s). When an infected floppy disk/CD is used, the virus

enters the random access memory (RAM) directly or by first entering the hard disk. It

either deletes the data or disables the computer hardware and prevents it from

working. Some common viruses are Yankee Doodle, April the first, July the 4 th , etc.


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