Glossary Plant Breeding

a glossary for plant breeding practices and application

a glossary for plant breeding practices and application


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Early Generation Testing. Also called early testing; the evaluation of breeding materials

for specific characteristics during early segregating generations (F 2 , F 3 , and F 4 )based

on certain parameters. Early testing in maize refers to testing of inbred lines during I1,

I2, and I3 (S1/S2/S3) generations. The objective is to enhance the possibility of finding

superior inbred line by eliminating poor materials during early generations. It also

helps save extra expenditure. When materials are visually selected, it is a good

exercise for isolating families of high combining ability. It has been criticised on the

ground that the performance of inbred lines may change with the degree of

homozygosity attained by those inbreds. It is also not desirable when high combining

lines are agronomically poor, and are likely to be eliminated during inbreeding.

Ear-to-Row Selection. A form of selection in which desired ears are harvested

individually and subsequently grown an ear-to-a row, and the cycle is repeated from

the aggregate of seeds of selected rows. It differs from mass selection in basing the

selection on the performance of progeny.

Ecdysone. A molting hormone in insects.

Ecological Combining Ability. The ability of a genotype to perform synergistically in

association with other genotypes in mixed populations. Such genotypes are good

neighbours, and at the same time they are good competitors as well. In such mixed

populations, natural selection may be operating for superior neighbourhood; however,

in competition, it also appears to perpetuate many surviving genotypes with superior

pure-line performance.

Ecology (Haeckel 1869). The study of pattern of relations between organisms and their

environment. It has been derived from Greek words: oikos and logos, meaning

household and study, respectively. Thus the study of the environmental house

includes all the organisms in it and all of the functional processes that make the house

habitable. Literally, then, ecology is the study of life at home with emphasis on



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