Glossary Plant Breeding

a glossary for plant breeding practices and application

a glossary for plant breeding practices and application


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evolutionary terms, it is possible that a symbiotic relationship could have evolved into

the present situation, in which these organelles have only a certain degree of


Symbiosis. A kind of inter-species interaction in which both the interacting partners

benefit from each other. Symbiosis literally means living together. Contrary to

protocooperation, this kind of interaction is obligatory, Rhizobium-legume

association, for example. Instances of mutualism (symbiosis) are more likely to

develop between organisms with widely different requirements whereas organisms

with similar needs are more likely to get involved in competition. Each step of

symbiosis is controlled and/or influenced genetically.

Sympatric. Of two or more populations occupying the same geographical area. Such

populations may remain completely separated by different habitat preferences, or by

different habits.

Sympatric Species. Species formation in the absence of geographical isolation by

acquiring mechanisms of reproductive isolation within a panmictic unit.

Syn-0, Syn-I, Syn-II. Symbols for designating the original synthetic population, first

synthetic generation (progeny of Syn-0), and second synthetic generation (progeny of


Syn-II Generation. The panmictic generation following synthesis by crossing a number

of lines having proven combining ability (analogous to F 2 generation).

Synapsis. Close-pairing (point-to-point pairing) between homologous chromosomes at

zygotene sub-stage during meiosis I.

Synaptic Genes. Genes influencing the extent of meiotic pairing.

Synaptonemal Complex. A complex structure that unites homologs during prophase of

meiosis-I. A protein plus a small amount of DNA constitutes the complex structure.

Syncytium. A single cell with many nuclei.

Syndrome. A set of specific characteristics (symptoms) of an abnormal genetic

condition. A genetic syndrome may be transmitted to the offspring as a unit.

Syngamy. Sexual reproduction; the union of male and female gametes leading eventually

to zygote formation.


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