Glossary Plant Breeding

a glossary for plant breeding practices and application

a glossary for plant breeding practices and application


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Speciation. The formation of a new species including the development of species

diversity. It refers to the origin of a group of individuals capable of living in a new

way and at the same time acquiring some barriers to genetic exchange with the

species from which it arose. Once speciation gets completed, each newly formed

species will take an independent evolutionary course; inevitably the species will

become increasingly different as time passes. It occurs when gene flow within the

common gene pool is interrupted by an isolating mechanism. When isolation occurs

through geographical separation of populations descended from a common ancestor,

allopatric (different fatherland) speciation may result that is more common in birds. If

isolation occurs through ecological or genetic means within the same area, sympatric

(joint fatherland) speciation is a possibility as occurs more commonly in parasites. In

plants and in a few group of animals, a different form of speciation is effected through

polyploidy (instantaneous speciation), the doubling of chromosomes, because

polyploid individuals are immediately isolated reproductively from their parents.

Species. A natural biological unit tied together by the sharing of a common gene pool. In

sexually reproducing organisms, a species is a group of potentially interbreeding

populations that are reproductively isolated from any other such groups. Species are

often subdivided into subspecies, races, ecotypes, varieties, or other subspecific


Specific Combining Ability. The deviation in performance of a cross from average of

all crosses possible among n number of parents. For an accurate measure of SCA, the

tests must be conducted in more seasons and more locations compared to GCA.

Specific Locus Test. A test for detecting recessive mutations in diploids. Normal

individuals treated with a mutagen are mated to testers that are homozygous for the

recessive alleles at a number of specific loci. If markers are related to the seed,

recessive phenotype (in case of mutation) can be visible in the mating-generation

itself [white endosperm colour (ccc) in Indian corn; cc × CC (mutagenised)].

Otherwise, screening is done for recessive phenotypes in the next generation.


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