Glossary Plant Breeding

a glossary for plant breeding practices and application

a glossary for plant breeding practices and application


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97. Peleman JD and Voort JRVD. 2003. Breeding by Design. Trends in Plant Science


98. Phillips RL and Vasil IK. 2001. DNA-Based Markers in Plants, 2nd edn. Kluwer

Academic Publishers.

99. Piepho HP. 2009. Ridge regression and extensions for genome-wide selection in

maize. Crop Science 49: 1165–1176.

100. Poehlman JM and Borthakur DN. Breeding Asian Field Crops, 2nd reprint.

Oxford and IBH Publishing Company, New Delhi.

101. Poehlman JM. 1994. Breeding Field Crops, 3rd edn. Iowa State University Press.

102. Pratap A, Choudhary AK and Kumar J. 2010. In vitro techniques towards genetic

enhancement of food legumes – A review. Journal of Food Legumes 23: 169-


103. Qin H, Feng S, Chen C, Knapp S, Culbreadth A, He G, et al. 2012. An integrated

genetic linkage map of cultivated peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) constructed from

two RIL populations. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 124: 653–64.

104. Ratnaparkhe MB and Gupta VS. 2007. Pigeonpea. In: C Kole (ed), Genome

mapping and molecular breeding in plants: pulses, sugar and tuber crops.

Springer. Pp: 133–142.

105. Ribaut JM and Hoisington D. 1998. Marker-assisted selection: new tools and

strategies.Trends in Plant Science 3: 236–239.

106. Ribaut JM and Ragot M. 2007. Marker-assisted selection to improve drought

adaptation in maize: the backcross approach, perspectives, limitations, and

alternatives. Journal of Experimental Botany 58: 351–360.

107. Richey FD. 1927. The convergent improvement of selfed lines of corn. American

Nature 61: 430-449.

108. Rick CM and Butler L. 1956. Cytogenetics of the tomato. Advances in Genetics

8: 267-382.

109. Sarode SB, Singh MN and Singh UP .2007. Genetics of waterlogging tolerance

in pigeonpea [Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.]. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant

Breeding. 67: 264-265.


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