Glossary Plant Breeding

a glossary for plant breeding practices and application

a glossary for plant breeding practices and application


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turns of the cycle to metabolise the two acetate molecules that are produced by

glycolysis from one molecule of glucose.

Kurtosis. The excess or deficiency of frequencies in the centre and the two extremes

compared to the flanks of a frequency curve. Higher kurtosis enhances value of

selection intensity; the reverse is true for low kurtic traits compared to normal

distribution. (Also see skewness).

Laggards. Chromosomes or pairing configurations that show slow movement or no

movement at all during nuclear division (anaphase). Such chromosomes may not be

included in one of the daughter nuclei giving rise to aneuploidy.

Lagging Strand. The strand of the DNA double helix that is synthesized by the ligation

of short fragments synthesized individually in the 5 to 3 direction during DNA


Lamarckism. An invalid concept of organic evolution, advocated by Lamarck. It states

that adaptive changes induced by the environment within an individual is transmitted

to its progeny. Also see inheritance of acquired characters.

Land Race. A line/strain/group of individuals evolved directly under influence of natural

selection; the earliest cultivated types; the old-established local stocks of a crop

species; any distinctive race of a cultivated species that has become genetically

differentiated as a result of natural and/or human selection operating in ecologically

different circumstances in various regions to which cultivated species have been

introduced; a heterogeneous mixture of genotypes having mutually beneficial

associations with each other and with environmental conditions. One of the most

important uses of such land race is to provide genetic resources for improvement of

our present-day varieties. They are usually tolerant to any pests or diseases probably

because they have had co-evolved at a given point of time. A series of local land races

is collectively called square heads.

Lateral Inhibition. The signal produced by one cell that prevents adjacent cells from

acquiring its fate.

Latin Square Design. An experimental design known for its capacity to handle

simultaneously two known sources of variation among experimental units. It makes it


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