Glossary Plant Breeding

a glossary for plant breeding practices and application

a glossary for plant breeding practices and application


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QPM. Quality Protein Maize.

QTLs. Quantitative Trait Loci; several loci (or genes) affecting the phenotypic variation

in continuously varying traits such as height, weight, yield, and the like.

Qualitative Character. A character for which variation between genotypes is discrete,

thus making easy classification into distinct categories. For this kind of trait, there

occurs a one to one correspondence between genotype and phenotype. As a

consequence, each genotype (ignoring ephemeral effects of dominance) is capable of

producing a unique phenotype; differences in environmental conditions have

relatively little effects on the expression of genotypes with respect to a particular

locus. Even characters conditioned by many a gene can show discrete variation

provided environmental effects are too small to permit each genotype to produce a

unique phenotype associated with it (under unambiguous norm of reaction).

Qualitative Resistance. A general term to describe plant resistance in which the

frequency distribution of resistant and susceptible plants in a population is

discontinuous. With this type of resistance, it is easy to classify plants either as

resistant or as susceptible or into well-defined classes of disease reaction.

Quality. Physical, chemical, and nutritional characteristics of the product that affect its

utilisation by human beings directly or indirectly. Sellers may be interested in the

market quality, but the millers are primarily concerned with the milling quality,

whereas the ultimate users may have primary concern for physical and nutritional


Quantitative Character. A character in which variation is continuous so that

classification into discrete categories is not possible. Such characters cannot be

analysed by standard methods of classical genetics, but can be specified only in terms

of metric system of measurements, and as such they are also called metrical traits. For

such characters, the norm of reaction is ambiguous, that is, one to many

correspondences between genotype and phenotype is possible. Characters of this kind

are usually governed by several genes, each usually with a small effect on the


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