FIRST STEPS TOWARD SPACE - Smithsonian Institution Libraries

FIRST STEPS TOWARD SPACE - Smithsonian Institution Libraries

FIRST STEPS TOWARD SPACE - Smithsonian Institution Libraries


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test flights in that glider. 1 The BICh-11 airplane<br />

was turned over to GIRD in February 1932, but<br />

the OR-2 engine could not be developed within so<br />

short a term. Both funds and skilled workers were<br />

lacking, and the seemingly simple task of creating<br />

a liquid-fuel jet engine and installing it in the<br />

glider, grew, in the process, into an aggregation of<br />

most complicated scientific and research problems.<br />

Wanted were new people not merely interested in<br />

space flights but capable of contributing to the<br />

practical development of rocket engineering.<br />

That was how practical activities revealed the<br />

deficiency of personnel and special knowledge.<br />

The orientation of technical training also had to be<br />

changed in favor of the practical aspects of rocket<br />

engineering and its importance for the country's<br />

progress, rather than theoretical ideas, the feasibility<br />

of space flights, etc. The personnel training<br />

problem was especially acute. Korolyev had been<br />

an experienced exponent of practical knowledge<br />

in aviation and technology ever since his school<br />

days and in this respect, therefore, also took a<br />

leading role in GIRD.<br />

He was quick to understand that both aviation<br />

and especially rocketry require the effort of large<br />

teams of subject specialists, and had therefore<br />

attached a very great importance to personnel<br />

training and selection. The result was that GIRD<br />

offered the world's first courses on jet motion and<br />

the whole character of training was revised. This<br />

change was described in Korolyev's letter of 31 July<br />

1932 to an advocate of cosmonautics, writer Ya.I.<br />

Perel'man:<br />

Though extremely busy with experimentation, we are very<br />

much concerned about the development of our mass<br />

work . . No time is to be lost. The immense local<br />

initiative is to be received and digested in such a manner<br />

as to create a positive public opinion around the problem<br />

of reactive motion, stratospheric flights and (in the future)<br />

interplanetary travels. The need to develop a body of literature<br />

is also very urgent, for it is practically absent, except<br />

for two or three books, and these are not generally available.<br />

We think the time is right for publishing a series (10-15<br />

items) of semitechnical booklets on jet motion, each one<br />

clarifying a single problem, such as "What is jet motion?"<br />

"Fuel for jet motion," "Applications of jet motion," etc.<br />

These may later be replaced by more specialized literature.<br />

. . 2<br />

In this context Korolyev paid much attention to<br />

the training department of GIRD. He delivered<br />

lectures, wrote papers, advocated a new journal<br />

Sovetskaya Raketa (Soviet Rocket), and finally,<br />

wrote the book "Rocket Flight in the Stratosphere."<br />

3 This, although meant to popularize science,<br />

proved to be an important contribution to<br />

the rocket engineering of that time. Tsiolkovskiy<br />

found it to be a "clever, informative and useful<br />

book." 4<br />

Attaching high value to "group work," Korolyev<br />

was no less active in the personal selection of<br />

specialists, thus turning GIRD into a strong, viable<br />

team of engineers, designers, and mechanics, who<br />

had come from the aircraft industry, many of them<br />

Korolyev's long-time colleagues. To GIRD, and<br />

then to the whole Soviet rocket industry, it brought<br />

high technological standards.<br />

Korolyev's part was highly esteemed from the<br />

very beginning. Thus, the secretary of GIRD wrote<br />

to Tsiolkovskiy:<br />

Our experimental work on the GIRD-RP-1 rocket aircraft,<br />

is nearing its completion .... Many highly qualified<br />

engineers work with us, and best of them all is the chairman<br />

of our Technical Council S. P. Korolyev. He has already done<br />

more than a lot for all of us. He is also going to pilot the<br />

first rocket aircraft. 5<br />

The emphasis, in the technical training, on immediate<br />

practical targets of rocket technology and<br />

on the solution of urgent problems of the philosophy<br />

and technology of flights brought recognition<br />

to GIRD, and this was further enhanced by the<br />

weighty argument it had advanced in the form of a<br />

virtually completed (as it seemed at the time) RP-1<br />

rocket aircraft. As a result, considerable support<br />

for GIRD had been developed, and the Central<br />

Council of Osoaviakhim, a voluntary society responsible,<br />

among other things, for aviation and<br />

technical sports and for supporting the construction<br />

of gliders and sports aeroplanes, in April<br />

1932 decided to organize an industrial support<br />

facility to be known as the GIRD experimental<br />

plant. S.P. Korolyev became Director of both the<br />

plant and the whole GIRD. Thus a center was<br />

created, quite large for the time, possessing impressive<br />

design, research, and production facilities.<br />

Korolyev's organizing talent played a decisive role<br />

in the whole affair.<br />

Speaking on the emphasis of GIRD's promotional<br />

and production activities on immediate practical<br />

goals, one question is to be answered: what was, at<br />

that time, Korolyev's actual attitude towards interplanetary<br />

flights? From official documents and his<br />

own papers it appears that Korolyev tried in those

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