Kill Switch by Penelope Douglas

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She had guided me and offered feedback sporadically since

my father left and I could no longer afford her. Bits here and

there when she was on her way in or after a class had ended.

Or like tonight when she was on her way out.

But this news of GGabriel’s offer was like a slap in the face.

Another reminder that I was destitute and couldn’t have the

things I’d been accustomed to.

Because of them.

Because of him. This was Damon’s idea.

No one else cared if I continued my dancing except him.

He liked it. I was probably the only person who knew that he

loved it, in fact. He’d watched me. I’d danced for him a lot


Fuck him.

I got back into position, lifting my chin, and craning my

neck. “Can you restart the music?” I asked her, ending our


After a moment, the music cut off and restarted, and I

began again, letting the volume of the song drown out

everything else. The world swayed around me, and even

though I couldn’t see it, I sensed everything.

The space. The scent of pine needles from last year’s

Christmas tree. The cold bricks around me that I knew were

there. The barre with chalk crusting the wood and the way the

ceiling felt torn away and there were miles of sky above my

head. I could reach and feel endless.

I was flying.

The singer’s voice burrowed into my stomach, and I broke

away from my classical moves and let my hand fall down my

body as I slowed, feeling every inch of my skin come alive.

My feet ached in the pointe shoes, but my body was alive.

I closed my eyes, the strands of my hair spilling around me

and tickling my face. My stomach flipped as I spun, and a

smile twitched at the corners of my lips. GGod, I loved this. I

was free here.

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