Kill Switch by Penelope Douglas

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were family, and we had each other’s backs.

But that didn’t mean we liked each other, either.

He was the noble one. The voice of reason in our little

group, and while I sometimes envied his happy house, I knew

there would be a time when he’d have two choices—and he

wouldn’t choose me.

Noticing Arion still next to me, I looked up at her. “What

are you waiting for?”

Her lips tightened into a line, knowing I was referring to

Marko Bryson, and finally, she walked off, either to get to

work on him or tell me to piss off and to get back to her

friends. Either way, I didn’t care. I just wanted her gone.

I turned my eyes back on Kai, watching as he approached

Winter and the girls around her parting to let him in.

Winter’s smile faltered as he leaned in and she listened to

whatever he was saying. She pulled back a little, her spine

straightening and her head bowing in embarrassment.

My fingers closed into a fist.

Then he took her hand and held the sweatshirt up to it, so

she could take it and put it on.

But much to my surprise, she shook her head and waved

him off, adding a small smile for good measure. Instead, she

reached out to touch the brick column of the pool house, using

it to feel her way as she left.

He watched after her, threw a look at me, and I just shook

my head at him. She wouldn’t cover up, but now she was

leaving the party good and humiliated. Great job, asshole.

He threw the sweatshirt back over to the table, and I turned

my eyes over to her, watching her trail the perimeter with her

hand grazing the hedge line. How long did it take her to map

out a new place in her head? She seemed pretty self-sufficient.

Even at school already. Of course, she’d be familiar with her

home the most. If she followed the hedges around the corner,

they would take her all the way back up to the house.

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