Kill Switch by Penelope Douglas

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because I was far away from anyone else in the catacombs, but

my heart leaped, too, because I’d found the place he described.

Stepping inside, I swallowed down my nerves, and

followed the wall around to where I felt water spilling down

the rocks and dribbling into a small pool. Kneeling down, I

patted the rocks and stuck my fingers in the water, feeling its

icy coolness.

Dipping my hand in, I felt around, touching rocks, until I

came to a straight edge with a corner. I grabbed hold of it,

recognizing that it was a box of some sort.

I shimmied it out from where it was lodged and set it down

on the ground, finding the clasp, and opening it. Carefully, I

grazed my hand over whatever was inside to make sure it was

nothing sharp.

Finding a plastic bag, I pulled it out and unraveled it,

feeling something hard inside. Opening it up, I felt around,

fingering what seemed like beads and another small metal


Pulling both out, I held them in my hand, examining them.

Right away, I recognized the cross on the rosary.

It was Damon’s. The one he wore in high school, and the

one he had in the fountain when we were kids.

The other object was metal, with a sharp clasp, and a

design on it. A hair barrette.

And then a memory flashed—me taking this out of my

hair. Why did I give this to him?

The rosary, the barrette, the fountain…

I bit him.


The memory was so fleeting, but it was vivid and strong.

“I’d bitten him that day,” I said out loud, realization flooding

back. “Before we went to the treehouse. He let me bite him in

the fountain. He was glad I did it. Why?”

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