Kill Switch by Penelope Douglas

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Kai sat down at the table, drinking and laughing at

something someone said, while Michael walked off to talk to

Diana Forester.

“Whoo-hoo!” Will cupped his hands around his mouth,

howling in the middle of the party, over the loud music.

Everyone startled and turned just in time to see him run,

shoes and shirt discarded, and leap into the deep end of the

pool, somersaulting backward in mid-air before splashing into

the water.

People laughed, hooting and hollering after him, and I

walked over to the edge and stepped in, dropping into waistdeep

water. I wore long, black swim shorts that fell to just

above my knees, and I hadn’t brought a change of clothes.

Banks had begged to come with me tonight, and I ended up

charging out of the house to get away from that pathetic look

on her face, a little pissed and a whole lot distracted and

forgetting my cigarettes in the process.

Will popped up through the water, laughing and

exchanging a few splashes with others before he swam over to

me. I planted my elbows on the deck behind me, leaning

against the edge of the pool.

“Arion Ashby wants your ass bad, man,” he said, standing

up and pushing his hair over the top of his head. He jerked his

chin off behind me, amused.

I glanced over my shoulder, seeing Winter’s older sister

standing with her friends and eyeing us. My gaze traveled

down her body, long, slender limbs in a white, strapless bikini

and a long, fluffy ponytail. Both of her legs were adorned with

anklets, and a multi-strand gold necklace in varying lengths

rested on her chest.

She’d be hotter with just the jewelry on.

I turned back to Will. “I have plans for her. Don’t worry.”

His eyes lit up. “I love your imagination. Do I get to


I tilted my lips in a smile, not missing his double-meaning.

“I have plans for you, too.”

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