Kill Switch by Penelope Douglas

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I put the pieces together. His dog at seven, the party at

eleven and how his father yelled at him and how his demeanor

had already started to go downhill. I had nothing to do with

any of that.

“I was so alone,” he explained from somewhere on the

other side of my room. “I couldn’t talk to people. I didn’t have

any friends. I was scared all the time.” His voice was thick

with memory, as if it all happened just yesterday. “I just

wanted to be invisible, and if I couldn’t be invisible, then I just

wanted it to end. I was going to run away, because…” His sad

voice trailed off. “Because the only other way to escape was to

end it all.”

I couldn’t wrap my head around it. That’s what was going

through his mind when I met him that first time? What eleven

year old wants to die?

“You were so little,” he mused. “When you came into the

maze and noticed me hiding and crawled inside and sat down

at my side, it was like…”

Like you had a pet again.

“Like I wasn’t alone anymore,” he finished. “So little. So

quiet. But it was everything. Feeling you next to me.”

GGod, what was he doing to me?

“You taught me how to survive that day,” he said. “You

taught me how to be strong and how to get to the next minute.

And the next and the next. I could never forget, and when you

came back in high school, and I had changed into this, because

I’d seen so much shit,” he went on, “and my desires had

morphed into something ugly and twisted, but I’d fucking

survived, nonetheless, and didn’t swallow the bad for anyone

anymore, because you had taught me how to get rid of the shit.

I finally craved one more thing I realized had been missing

when I laid eyes on you again.”

I didn’t understand. I was eight. What could I possibly

have taught him to keep him surviving? To keep him fighting?

And what was missing from his existence after he’d gotten

through all that?

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