Kill Switch by Penelope Douglas

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But before I got a chance to spin around and walk away,

Damon grabbed my wrist and pulled me into the bathroom. I

resisted, trying to pull away and noticing he was only in a

towel as he pressed me against the sink and shoved a long

piece of metal in my hands.

“What is this?” I asked as he wrapped his fist around mine,

forcing me to hold it.

The scent of shaving cream filled the space, and the steam

of his shower crawled into my pores.

“Do you want to know how I control him?” Damon asked.

I didn’t give a shit…

“Food,” he explained. “Most animals, including humans,

can be controlled by a system of consequences and rewards.”

Something hit the ground, I heard Mikhail move, and his

jaws yapped as he ate whatever Damon tossed him.

“We want to eat, so we do what we need to in order to be

fed,” he said. “And all animals have that in common. They

can’t synthesize their own nourishment, so they easily become

subject to whoever provides it. It’s how animals are

domesticated. How humans can be enslaved in soul-draining

jobs and relationships.” He leaned in, his breath wafting over

my face. “We all need to eat, Winter.”

I jerked my head, trying to pull away from him again.

“And humans are complex,” he went on. “More than just

our stomachs need to be fed.”

He raised my hand, and whatever was in it, to his face, and

even though I gritted my teeth, trying to pull away, he forced it

against his skin and glided it up his neck to his jaw. He forced

my hand, and I stopped fighting as it grated against his

stubble. Then he lowered my hand to the sink behind me,

rinsing it clean.

A razor. A straight razor. I brought up my other hand,

carefully feeling the object in my hand. Cool and metal, the

blade was smooth and sharp, while the handle featured filigree

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