Kill Switch by Penelope Douglas

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But I didn’t have a chance to finish. The string quartet

stopped playing, and everyone exited the dance floor as I was

sure a speech was about to start.

But it was Winter’s voice I heard.

“I have a special gift for Michael and Erika,” she said, and

I moved a few steps to the right to get a view of her standing

in the middle of the dance floor. “Something I hope they’ll

find entertaining. But…” she smiled, looking beautiful with

her hair piled on top her head. “I hope the lovely couple

doesn’t mind—I’m dedicating this to my sister’s new



And then she moved her head around the room. “Damon?”

she called out, making everyone turn their heads in my


“I worked very hard,” she told me. “I hope you like it. You

know how much I love Christmas.”

Christmas? The village she wanted out of the basement

when she was in high school sprung to mind, and I

remembered that she decorated for the holiday the day after

Halloween. Which would be soon.

My eyes didn’t leave her as I took a step closer and placed

my glass on a tray as the server passed.

She wouldn’t dance for me. Not willingly anyway.

Finding her mark already placed on the dance floor, she

settled into a traditional pose, one foot turned out, the other

laying behind her, and her arms positioned down, forming a


She never started like that. She always came in already

moving, natural and unsophisticated. That was how she

danced. Uncivilized. It was what I loved.

The music started, a slow, jazzy guitar sound, the beats all

poised and separate. With each string, she moved. Controlled,

routine, and trite, a new pose for every chord. Arm out, toe

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