Kill Switch by Penelope Douglas

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Life felt like hell, because we expected it to feel like heaven.

The quote I read years ago went something like that, but I

never understood it. When you’re in the thick all your life,

living in ways you eventually figure out no one else is, you

learn to sleep well in heat and eat fire. Until one day it’s all

you need.

It was heaven I didn’t trust. High hopes and false


No, I needed the trouble.

I pinched the cigarette butt between my three fingers,

feeling my phone vibrate for the second time in my back

pocket as I brought my hand up to my mouth and took another

drag. The faint sizzle of the paper burned to the end, the hot

smoke being pulled into my lungs, and I blew it out again as I

leaned against the column next to the bulletin board.

The school was still mostly empty, at least forty-five

minutes to the bell.

And the third floor was my favorite place. The bustle of

the cafeteria and gymnasium were far below, and there were

very few classrooms up here, so it was quiet enough that you

could hear every footstep. Every door. Every pen drop… You

knew when you weren’t alone.

And she wasn’t alone. I wondered if she’d noticed that yet.

I turned my head and peered around the edge of the

column, seeing the blur of her through the glass, across the

open air, which allowed for the courtyard below, and through

another set of windows. She’d gotten a little too big for her

britches, but that was common with new teachers, especially

the young ones. They thought college prepared them for this,

and even if it did, it didn’t prepare them for Thunder Bay.

Things worked a little differently here, and she wasn’t the

boss, because I couldn’t be handled. It was time to educate her

that teachers fell in line, not the other way around.

She moved in the room, making her copies at the machine,

and I licked my lips, my mouth going dry. Come on. Go

somewhere quiet, or I’m taking you right there.

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