Kill Switch by Penelope Douglas

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My body went cold and my chest caved. GGod, he was like

him. The tone. The taunt.

“He likes you,” Jade teased. “Watch your back inside,


I barely breathed.

My kind of fun has a price. Better enjoy myself while I can.

My blood pumped hot, and all of a sudden, I wasn’t cold


I knew this guy wasn’t him. He didn’t sound like him or

smell like him or feel like him, but I lost all semblance of

thought or reason as the line moved, Isa moved, and took me

with her. Maybe I should be afraid of walking in here and

remembering the terror Damon caused, but I went anyway,

unable to resist wanting to test myself. To feel whatever was

inside again. Even if just to see if I would handle myself any


The air turned thick and musty as we stepped over the

threshold and drafts hit me, like there was fake fog. My friends

immediately started laughing and making surprised sounds,

but since I couldn’t see what they were seeing, I had to rely on

everything else to get a picture of the atmosphere in my head.

I absorbed the scent of water on rocks, like a cave, and the

echoes of muffled screams, howls, and cries in the distance.

Some of it was sound effects, but others clearly weren’t.

And somewhere, far off, the merry, child-like tune of a

carousel pierced the windy night.

Something touched the top of my head, and I ducked, my

heart leaping in my chest as I laughed. They had people in the


Coldfield was a Halloween attraction that popped up a

couple of years ago, and no one knew who owned it, but

everyone seemed to love it. Overnight—every September

thirtieth—the old warehouse on the outskirts of town was

finally put to use and transformed, now attached to an array of

sheds, nooks, and outbuildings. Some people missed the

parties they had out here on Devil’s Night, but most loved the

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