Kill Switch by Penelope Douglas

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You fucking little shit. Will was nice…until he wasn’t.

Winter shouldn’t trust him too much.

I stood up as he rose to his feet, as well.

“You know,” he started, a condescending little smirk on his

face. “I was never turned on by Winter growing up. Too pale.

Too pure.”

He bent over, swiping my cigarettes off the ground and

pulled one out. He tossed the pack back to me, and I caught it,

glaring at him as he bent down to the fire, lighting the end.

“She was pretty, but I like my meat hot.” He blew out a

stream of smoke, his gaze locked on the flames as he drifted

off in thought for a moment. “Sexy with chocolate-colored

hair and olive skin. Fat lips and dark eyes taunting me behind

some seductive, librarian glasses.”

He trailed off, lost in the images in his mind, and I knew

exactly who he was thinking of. But after a moment, he shook

his head, coming back. “I never really knew why you were

drawn to Winter. Michael and Kai thought she was just a onenight

stand to you, but I knew better.” He raised his eyes,

meeting mine. “They didn’t see the way you would look at her

at school, during lunch and in passing in the hallways. And

how no one—no one,” he re-emphasized the words, “fucked

with her behind her back after what you did to any guy who

disrespected her, like making an obscene gesture right next to

her that she couldn’t see.”

He circled the fire again, and I did the same, not taking my

eyes off him for a moment.

“But about a year ago,” he said, “I checked in on your girl.

Watched her rehearse at the theater with a fellow dancer. Some


My teeth slowly ground together.

“Though they weren’t doing much rehearsing,” he taunted,

and I could see the images playing behind his eyes. “He had

her pinned against a wall, her long hair spilling around her and

her skin flushed with sweat and heat from dancing… His

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