Kill Switch by Penelope Douglas

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Oh, Jesus. She sounded almost hopeful, and my cock

swelled as I stared at her dark pink mouth, her parted lips, and

I wanted to take them in mine and taste those fucking crazy

words on her breath.

What wouldn’t I do to her…

“What will I do?” I repeated, brushing her mouth with

mine as I carried her into the stall. “I’m going to throw you

down…” I lowered us, leaning forward as she held onto me,

breathless. “And give you…” Lower, lower. “A big…” Lower.

“Fat…” Lower… “Spanking.”

And I dropped her ass on the toilet seat, the blaring,

banshee cry of the air horn ripping through the theater,

splitting my ears.

She screamed and scrambled off the toilet, grabbing onto

me and bursting into laughter.

“Oh, my GGod!” Her face shined, and she looked fucking


I rolled my eyes, hoping no one heard that out on the

street, so they wouldn’t find out my shame.

She lowered herself to the seat again, the horn blasted its

shrill cry, and she startled, breaking out in laughter again.

I shook my head, pulling her off the seat. “You’re so gay.”

“Tame compared to what you’re used to?” she teased.


GGod, if the guys found out about this… I needed to get her

home before she made me T.P. a house tonight.

Maybe someday I’d take her on a real adventure.

Working quickly, I taped up all the horns, including the

one in her boss’s office, so when the dancers, employees, and

she came in tomorrow, they had a nice little scare.

I packed up all our gear, grabbed Winter, and turned off the

lights and my flashlight on, leaving the building.

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