Kill Switch by Penelope Douglas

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“He didn’t rape you,” my sister snapped back, pushing out

of her chair. “We all saw the video. The whole world saw the

video! You wanted him. You were in love with him.”

I shook my head. “Not him.”

I had never been in love with him. Not with Damon.

That damn video.

Tears spilled, and I couldn’t stop them. I folded my lips

between my teeth to keep from sobbing. A video of us was

leaked, he was sent to jail for statutory rape, because he was

nineteen, and I was still a minor, but nearly everyone in this

town took his side. He was a little richer, a lot more popular,

and two of his friends went with him for their own misdeeds

leaked on other videos, as well.

But he got the most time.

He was the only one convicted of a sex crime, and in

everyone’s eyes this was a grave injustice, because their

basketball star, golden boy only had sex with a willing girl

who just happened to be a couple years shy of the legal age of

consent. Big deal.

Hey, in some other states sixteen is old enough, isn’t it?

This is a technicality.

Did he even do anything wrong? How many of us were

having sex at that age?

Don’t ruin his life. It’s not like he hurt her.

Hey, she seemed to love it well enough.

The backlash was sickening, and while other girls claimed

he’d taken advantage of them, too, by the end of it, they’d all

folded, and it ended up just becoming an example of how

warped our justice system was when there were “actual”

predators out there. I’d ruined a young man’s life. To-maytoes,


All they saw in that video was me willingly kissing him.

Touching him.

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