Kill Switch by Penelope Douglas

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Had she honestly believed that shit he told her? About us

being in love and needing time to reconnect?

Or was it what she wanted to believe, because it was easier

than fighting back?

I locked my door and lodged my chair under it before

sliding into bed and setting my alarm.

But as tired as I was, sleep wouldn’t come.

Doors opened and closed quietly downstairs as Damon’s

security moved about, circulating around the property and

keeping an eye on the house while he was away.

At first, I thought it was guards for me. To hinder my

coming and going and report back to him on what I was up to.

And those were undoubtedly some of their orders, but no one

gave me any hassle when I wanted to go somewhere, and I

never got any instruction to stop doing that or stop going there.

A driver chauffeured me, doors were opened for me, and if

it wasn’t them or Damon creeping me out the other morning or

in the theater, I actually felt a little safer with them here.

When he was gone.

I clutched the sheet, resenting the thought that wormed its

way in. That a part of me wished he wasn’t gone.

Where was he? It had been days. Did he still have


Or did Damon go to the Maldives after all? A pang of

jealousy hit me, and I drew in a deep breath, pulling my shirt

away from my neck, because I felt stifled.

Fuck you.

What the hell was I doing? The sex was good, so I forgot

that he was a lowlife? What a cliché.

I didn’t care that he defended Rika when she was four or

that he was abused as a child. Plenty of people grew up shitty.

I’d fucking loved who he pretended to be, but his lie

negated everything that happened between us. He humiliated


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