Kill Switch by Penelope Douglas

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Ethan Belmont. I fisted my hand on instinct. I hope she’d

done him. Done him a lot and was still doing him, so I could

get an eye full. It would give me one more reason to hate her

and to hurt her. It was all the fun I was going to have in this

marriage to her sister.

But my father chimed in, as if reading my thoughts. “Let’s

make something perfectly clear,” he said. “I want Arion

pregnant before the year is out. You know the rules. Do your

chores before you play.”

I cocked an eyebrow. I’d never done chores in my life.

“And we need to talk about you taking on some

responsibilities with Communica. It’s time you start earning

what you’re going to inherit. I need you to come—”

I pulled the phone away from my ear and hung up, tossing

it down on the couch. Communica was one of his companies,

and nope. He’ll be angry I hung up. He’ll call back later or

tomorrow or have his guys drag me back to him for a face to

face to finish the conversation, but I didn’t care about any of


I’d always had tunnel vision when it came to things I

wanted, and it was always one thing at a time. I couldn’t

concentrate otherwise.

The choices I made probably wouldn’t ensure me a long

life, but it was like I’d always known that, and I’d accepted it.

I would die young. I had never thought about working, and the

idea of walking into one of GGabriel Torrance’s offices every

day made me want to puke.

Maybe I was lazy.



Or maybe my head just wasn’t built for a long life of no

consequence. It was “hard and fast” on everything, and I didn’t

have the discipline for anything other than a one-track mind.

I changed my clothes, pulling on jeans, a T-shirt, and black

hoodie, and then walked over and picked up the black wooden

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