Kill Switch by Penelope Douglas

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When I let my guard down and believed what was

happening between us was stronger than anything and guys

like me could have a completely different life.

But GGod, Rika was right. I knew she was right.

Nothing in my life had ever felt as good as Winter happy

because of me.

I’d told her everything last night. I wanted her to


“You should leave her alone,” Rika told me, and her voice

was closer now like she’d turned around toward me. “Let her

be calm and safe, and give her some room to breathe.”

I wasn’t asking for your opinion.

I heard her step closer behind me. “And in the meantime,

be an adult. GGet to work on something and show her you can

survive without her. Without her respect, you have no chance.”

“No chance at what?”

“No chance at not becoming your fucking parents,” she


A baseball lodged in my throat.

Was she right? Was that where I was heading? Was I ever

going to be done with Winter? Did I want any other woman?


And what if I got her pregnant? Would my kids hate me for

hurting her? Was it just some endless fucking cycle, because I

wouldn’t face that Rika was right, and Michael and Kai knew

what I refused to see?

I wanted her.

I broke last night, because I didn’t want this. I just wanted

that kid back who sat in my lap and drove my car.

I made her happy. Me.

And instead of sticking to the plan and making her hate

that she wanted me, I hated that I still wanted her.

None of it was a lie, except my name.

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