Kill Switch by Penelope Douglas

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I wanted to fight and scream and laugh and smile and kiss

and taste and wrap my arms around him more than I could

stomach never feeling him again.

I closed my eyes, starting to spin as Lana Del Rey’s “Dark

Paradise” drifted out of the ballroom through the open

window, and I swept my leg, arched my back, and shot up on

the ball of my foot, dancing and twirling as the music filled me

up and took me over. My arms sliced through the water,

splashing and whipping the spray, and I danced and danced

and danced, running my hand over my stomach, my drenched

hair flying around me and sticking to my face and body.

To dive and fall.

To have a lifetime of searching for something.

Or to have five minutes of everything.

I slowed as the music ended and stopped, the chill of the

water seeping into my bones, but I felt awake for the first time

in years. I was alive.

I wanted it. I wanted it all.

I pushed my hair out of my face and over the top of my

head, breathing in so deep, because my lungs felt so much

bigger all of a sudden.

“Winter?” someone called.


I walked across the fountain maze, smiling through the

towers of water and smoothing back my hair as I made my

way to the edge, following his voice.

“Where is he?” I asked.

Crane was silent a moment, and then said, “Occupied at

the moment. Would you like me to give him a message?”


Okay. If he wanted to play, let him come find me then.

I was ready.

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