Kill Switch by Penelope Douglas

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probably more because I hadn’t eaten in two days rather than

them tasting that good.

Although, they were good.

Marina also worked for my father before Banks stole her

away, too. She and my sister were the only things I missed

about this house, and now that they were no longer there, I had

no reason to visit unless I was forced to.

I grabbed a vatrushka bun, barely chewing it before I

swallowed it down, and led them over to a tree. I peered

around it, the hilltop gate my father used for deliveries,

caterers, and employees sat a hundred yards away, lit up by

two lanterns.

Rika stood near, blowing into her hands to warm them up,

while Will put on a sweatshirt, pulling the hood over his head.

“We just need you to get the gate open,” I told Lev and


If we could get them to come out, they’d shut off the

cameras, not wanting a secret meetup caught on film.

“And then distract them, so we can get in,” Rika added,

tucking her hands under her arms.

“And when you need to get out?” David retorted.

I exchanged a look with Rika, neither of us having an

answer. “We’ll deal with that later,” I said.

GGrabbing our backpack off the ground, I led Rika and Will

to the edge of the tree line, waiting for the tiny lights on the

cameras to go dark so we could move.

Behind us, I heard David on the phone.

“Hey,” he said.

He was silent a moment and then he laughed. “Aw, you

still mad about that?” he joked. “Well, David and I aren’t here

as friends. We come with a drug deal. We got some of

Marina’s vatrushka. Bring us a bottle of Mamont, and we’ll

call it even.” And then he added, “We have a little zephyr,


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