Kill Switch by Penelope Douglas

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wasn’t my mother in his eyes.

In his eyes, she was making me a man.

“When you were a teenager,” he told me, “I found out she

and her husband were planning on telling you the truth as soon

as you turned eighteen. So I took care of Schraeder. With a

little help, of course.”

With Evans Crists’ help. Michael’s father.

Since he had Power of Attorney over the estate and

Christiane was all too happy and drugged-out to care, Evans

saw his opportunity to control another fortune. The largest

fortune in town.

I glanced back at Rika, seeing her brow furrowed as she

probably wondered what we were talking about. None of my

friends could hear us.

I dropped my eyes to the scar on her neck.

“Didn’t expect Rika to be in the car that day, but…” my

father trailed off. “And then the town doctor provided

Christiane with a nice little cocktail to keep her docile for the

rest of her miserable little life.”

He stepped up to me, but I wanted to back away. The walls

were closing in even though we were outside, and I gripped

the blade in my hand as full knowledge of what was happening

fell like a ton of bricks on my shoulders.

“You never really took notice of Christiane, did you?” he


But I barely heard him as I got lost in my head.

I could’ve had a different life. Christiane would’ve been

different. I would’ve had good parents.

“The way she’d look at you at parties or on the street in

town,” he went on.

She was looking at me? No, I don’t remember that. What

was she seeing when she watched me? What was I doing?

My throat closed up, and my hand with the blade shook.

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