2 Homometallic Alkoxides

2 Homometallic Alkoxides

2 Homometallic Alkoxides


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X-Ray Crystal Structures of Alkoxo Metal Compounds 243<br />

bulky Ph3SiO ligands a mononuclear pseudo-tetrahedral complex [Al⊲OSiPh3⊳2(acac)]<br />

is formed. 64<br />

2.3.2 Gallium<br />

Although no structure of a homoleptic alkoxide of gallium has yet been reported some<br />

five-coordinated species involving functionalized alkoxo ligands are known. 66–68 The<br />

hydrido complex [GaHf⊲OC2H4⊳2NMeg]2 66 contains the chelating ligand N-methyl<br />

diethanolaminate and is dimerized through bridging by one of the oxygens, giving<br />

a distorted TBP configuration for each gallium with the hydrides each occupying<br />

an equatorial site. Similarly in the bridging N,N-dimethylethanolaminates [GaH2⊲ -<br />

OC2H4NMe2⊳]2 and [GaMe2⊲ -OC2H4NMe2⊳]2 the galliums are in distorted TBP configurations.<br />

67 The pyridylmethoxo ligand also bridges in [Me2Gaf -OCH2⊳C5H4N⊳g]2<br />

to form a five-coordinated dimer. 68 All of these complexes contain the Ga2O4 fourmembered<br />

ring (data are presented in Table 4.3). In [Bu t 2 Ga⊲ -OBut ⊳]2 the bridging<br />

tert-butoxo groups from a centrosymmetrical dimer with distorted tetrahedral galliums.<br />

69 Replacing the tert-butoxo ligand with the bulkier triphenylmethoxo ligand<br />

gave rise to the mononuclear three-coordinated compound [Bu t 2 Ga(OCPh 3⊳]. 70 Similar<br />

dimeric species [Ga⊲ -OCH2SiMe3⊳⊲CH2SiMe3⊳2]2 71 and [Ga⊲ -OBu t ⊳H2]2 62 have<br />

also been structurally characterized.<br />

2.3.3 Indium and Thallium<br />

To date two structures of organoindium alkoxides have been reported, [In⊲ -<br />

OEt⊳Bu t 2 ]2 72 and [In ( -OCH2SiMe3⊳⊲CH2SiMe3⊳2]2. 71 Even less structural data is<br />

available on thallium alkoxides. The tetranuclear [Tl4⊲ 3-OMe⊳4] wasshowntohave<br />

a distorted cubane Tl4O4 framework (Fig. 4.6) although the Tl–O bond distances<br />

were not determined. Recently the remarkable chain copolymer [WCl2(PMe 2Ph⊳4,<br />

(TlOCH 2CF3⊳4]n has been shown to crystallize as two polymorphs. 74 Weak Tl....Cl<br />

interactions and charge-transfer are believed to support the structure in which the<br />

cubane Tl4O4 unit is present.<br />

2.4 <strong>Alkoxides</strong> of p-Block Elements: Ge, Sn, Pb<br />

2.4.1 Germanium<br />

Most of the structures of quadrivalent germanium alkoxo compounds reported to date<br />

involve the triethanolaminate ligand [RGef(OC2H4⊳3Ng] (R D Et, naphthyl, 1<br />

2CH2, Br, But , NCS). 75–77 In each case the germatrane structure (Fig. 4.16) contains<br />

a five-coordinated Ge in a TBP configuration with the three oxygen atoms in<br />

the equatorial plane (data in Table 4.4, pp. 248–249). Other Ge(IV) compounds<br />

studied are the six-coordinated [Ge(OMe) 2(porphyrinate)] 78 and the four-coordinated<br />

[Ge(OEt)HfCH(SiMe3⊳2g2]. 79<br />

The first homoleptic Ge(II) alkoxide to be structurally determined was the mononuclear<br />

[Ge(OCBu t 3⊳2] containing two-coordinated Ge owing to the extreme bulkiness<br />

of the ligands. A noteworthy feature is the acute O� GeO angle of 85.9Ž . With<br />

less demanding ligands as in [Ge2⊲ -OBu t ⊳2Cl2] a dimer is formed with trigonal

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