2 Homometallic Alkoxides

2 Homometallic Alkoxides

2 Homometallic Alkoxides


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<strong>Homometallic</strong> <strong>Alkoxides</strong> 23<br />

obtain only thorium trialkoxide monochlorides owing to the partial replacement of chlorides.<br />

These workers observed that the alcoholic solutions of Th(OEt) 4 or Th⊲OPr i ⊳4<br />

were alkaline to thymolphthalein. On the other hand anhydrous ammoniacal alcohols<br />

were acidic to this indicator. Thus thorium tetra-alkoxides tend to be more basic than<br />

ammonia and the following feasible equilibria (Eqs 2.35 and 2.36) may be responsible<br />

for the formation of Th(OR) 3Cl instead of the expected tetra-alkoxides.<br />

Th(OR) 4 C NH4 C ↽ ⇀<br />

C<br />

Th(OR) 3 C NH3 C ROH ⊲2.35⊳<br />

C<br />

Th(OR) 3 C Cl ↽ ⇀ Th(OR) 3Cl ⊲2.36⊳<br />

However, it was observed 141 that treatment of alcoholic solutions of thorium tetrachloride<br />

with sodium alkoxides gave thorium tetra-alkoxides.<br />

In search of a convenient method for the synthesis of tetra-alkoxides of cerium(IV)and<br />

plutonium(IV), which do not form stable chlorides, the complex chlorides ⊲C5H6N⊳2MCl6<br />

(M D Ce(IV), Pu(IV); C5H6N D pyridinium) method proved to be convenient starting<br />

materials:<br />

⊲C5H6N⊳2MCl6 C 6NH3 C 4ROH ! M(OR) 4 C 6NH4Cl # 2C5H5N ⊲2.37⊳<br />

where M D Ce 143 or Pu 144 and R D Pr i .<br />

Bradley et al. 145 had earlier reported that dipyridinium hexachlorozirconate<br />

⊲C5H6N⊳2ZrCl6, which can be prepared from the commonly available ZrOCl2.8H2O,<br />

also reacted smoothly with alcohol in the presence of ammonia to form the tetraalkoxides<br />

Zr(OR) 4.<br />

During an attempt to prepare tetra-tert-alkoxides of zirconium and cerium by the<br />

reactions of ⊲C5H6N⊳2MCl6 (M D Zr, Ce) with tert-butyl alcohol, Bradley and coworkers<br />

143,144 had noticed the formation of MCl⊲OBu t ⊳3.2C5H5N as represented by<br />

Eq. (2.38):<br />

⊲C5H6N⊳2MCl6 C 3Bu t OH C 5NH3<br />

! MCl⊲OBu t ⊳3.2C5H5N C 5NH4Cl # ⊲2.38⊳<br />

As the product reacts with primary alcohols (Eq. 2.39) in the presence of ammonia to<br />

give heteroleptic alkoxides, M(OR)⊲OBu t ⊳3, steric reasons have been suggested as a<br />

possible explanation for the partial replacement reactions with tert-butyl alcohol:<br />

MCl⊲OBu t ⊳3.2C5H5N C EtOH C NH3 ! M(OEt)⊲OBu t ⊳3 C 2C5H5N C NH4Cl #<br />

⊲2.39⊳<br />

It is, however, somewhat intriguing that dipyridinium hexachloro derivatives of<br />

zirconium and cerium146 undergo complete replacement with Cl3C.CMe2OH, which<br />

should apparently be an even more sterically hindered alcohol than ButOH: ⊲C5H6N⊳2MCl6 C 4Cl3C.CMe2OH C 6NH3<br />

! M⊲OCMe2CCl3⊳4 C 2C5H5N C 6NH4Cl # ⊲2.40⊳<br />

Reactions of MCl4 (M D Se, Te) with a variety of alcohols (MeOH, EtOH, CF3CH2OH,<br />

Bu t CH2OH, Me2CHOH) in 1:4 molar ratio in THF using Et3N as a proton acceptor afford<br />

corresponding tetra-alkoxides. 146a

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