2 Homometallic Alkoxides

2 Homometallic Alkoxides

2 Homometallic Alkoxides


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Table 2.10 Vapour pressure of Ti, Zr, and Hf tert-butoxides<br />

Ti(OBu t )4 Zr(OBu t )4 Hf(OBu t )4<br />

<strong>Homometallic</strong> <strong>Alkoxides</strong> 65<br />

1Hv 1Hv 1Hv<br />

T Ž C P (mm) (kcal mol 1 ) P (mm) (kcal mol 1 ) P (mm) (kcal mol 1 ) PZr/Ti PHf/Zr<br />

27 0.049 15.8 0.066 15.9 0.069 16.3 1.34 1.05<br />

47 0.25 15.2 0.34 15.3 0.36 15.5 1.34 1.08<br />

67 1.00 14.7 1.35 14.8 1.48 14.7 1.35 1.09<br />

87 3.26 14.1 4.42 14.2 4.80 13.9 1.36 1.09<br />

107 9.04 13.5 12.30 13.7 13.05 13.2 1.36 1.06<br />

127 21.41 13.0 29.77 13.1 30.49 12.4 1.39 1.02<br />

heated at 340 Ž C under 760 mm pressure for about 3 hours; the isopropoxide on the other<br />

hand decomposed under these conditions to give volatile products, propylene, isopropyl<br />

alcohol, and a solid residue containing 65.8% Zr, which is in the range required for<br />

Zr2O3(OPr i )2-ZrO2. Compared to these derivatives, the tert-butoxide and tert-amyloxide<br />

are thermally unstable. The former is stable for about 70 h at 250 Ž C/760 mm under special<br />

conditions whereas the latter is stable indefinitely at 220 Ž C/760 mm, for about 30 h at<br />

250 Ž C/175 mm, and under special conditions for about 6 h at 320 Ž C/760 mm pressure.<br />

These alkoxides also, on thermal decomposition, yielded alkene, tert-alcohols and solid<br />

residues having Zr contents that are also within the range required for Zr2O3(OR t )2-ZrO2.<br />

The following order of the thermal stability of these alkoxides may thus be assigned<br />

in which the ethoxide appears to be thermally more stable than the more volatile<br />

secondary and tertiary alkoxides: Zr(OEt) 4 × Zr⊲OPr i ⊳4 > Zr⊲OBu t ⊳4 ¾ Zr⊲OAm t ⊳4.<br />

Furthermore, the kinetics of thermal decomposition of zirconium tetra-tert-amyloxide 465<br />

studied in a clean glass apparatus in the temperature range 208–247 Ž C indicated that<br />

the tertiary amyl alcohol formed during decomposition eliminates water; a molecule of<br />

water produced from one molecule of alcohol would produce another two molecules<br />

of alcohol by hydrolysis of zirconium tert-amyloxide and hence a chain reaction would<br />

be set up. Since the dehydration of the tertiary alcohol is a rapid first order reaction,<br />

it may be the rate controlling step in the thermal decomposition of tertiary alkoxides.<br />

In comparison with titanium, zirconium, and hafnium alkoxides, the thorium and<br />

cerium tetra alkoxides are less volatile; their methoxides and ethoxides are insoluble<br />

solids, which could not be sublimed even at higher temperatures in vacuo. 143,466 The<br />

long chain normal alkoxides are, however, soluble derivatives but these also could not<br />

be volatilized in vacuo except for cerium tetrapentyloxide which could be sublimed<br />

at 260 Ž C/0.05 mm. 143 The soluble isopropoxide and tertiary alkoxides of cerium and<br />

thorium could also be volatilized (Table 2.11) under reduced pressure. 141,286,287 The<br />

normal alkoxides of cerium, e.g. n-propoxide and n-pentyloxide show molecular complexity<br />

143 in the range of 4.2–4.3 in refluxing benzene and this was reduced to a considerable<br />

extent in boiling toluene where the observed values fall in the range 3.4–3.44.<br />

The analogous thorium alkoxides show higher associations; thus the n-butoxide and<br />

n-pentyloxide show associations of the order of 6.44 and 6.20, respectively, in boiling<br />

benzene. This appears to indicate that increasing the chain length does not have an<br />

appreciable effect on the degree of polymerization of normal alkoxides of cerium and<br />

thorium.<br />

The isopropoxides of cerium and thorium also show higher association (3.1 and<br />

3.8, respectively, in boiling benzene) than titanium, zirconium, and hafnium alkoxides.

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