2 Homometallic Alkoxides

2 Homometallic Alkoxides

2 Homometallic Alkoxides


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Metal Oxo-alkoxides 389<br />

Lithium methoxide (Eq. 5.26) was used instead of sodium methoxide because uranyl<br />

methoxide which was insoluble in methanol could thus be separated from lithium chloride<br />

which was soluble. The ethoxide [UO2⊲OEt⊳2⊲EtOH⊳2] was also prepared using<br />

lithium ethoxide but the isopropoxide [UO2⊲OPr i ⊳2⊲Pr i OH⊳], being appreciably soluble<br />

in isopropanol, was prepared using sodium isopropoxide. The triphenyl phosphine<br />

oxide adduct of uranyl tert-butoxide [UO2⊲OBu t ⊳2⊲Ph3PO⊳2] was prepared similarly<br />

from [UO2Cl2⊲Ph3PO⊳2] and KOBu t . 44 The vanadium(V) oxo-trialkoxides [VO⊲OR⊳3]n<br />

were readily prepared from VOCl3, 45–47 but the reaction of [Li2O2C2⊲CF3⊳4] with<br />

CrO2Cl2 ledtoreductiontoCr(V) in the form of [LiCr⊲O⊳2fO2C2⊲CF3⊳4g]. 48 Several<br />

W(VI) oxo-tetra-alkoxides have been prepared from WOCl4 by reactions with NaOR<br />

or alcohol and ammonia. 49<br />

2.4 Preparation of Metal Oxo-alkoxides from Metal Oxides<br />

An alternative approach to the synthesis of metal oxo-alkoxides is the reaction of the<br />

metal oxide with an alcohol (Eq. 5.26).<br />

MOx C 2ROH ! MOx 1⊲OR⊳2 C H2O ⊲5.26⊳<br />

This is in effect a reversal of the hydrolysis of a metal alkoxide (Eqs 5.2 and 5.3),<br />

although there is little evidence for the reversibility of the hydrolysis process. Nevertheless,<br />

the reaction of some organometallic oxo-compounds with alcohols to form<br />

alkoxo derivatives is well documented (e.g. Eq. 5.27). 1<br />

R3GeOGeR3 C 2R 0 OH ! 2R3GeOR 0 C H2O ⊲5.27⊳<br />

Several oxo-alkoxides of vanadium and molybdenum have been prepared from<br />

reactions of the metal oxide or oxometallate anion with alcohols. Thus the<br />

reaction of MoO3 with ethyleneglycol gave [MoO2⊲OC2H4OH⊳2] 50 and with 2,2 0 -<br />

oxodiethanol gave [MoO2⊲OC2H4OC2H4O⊳]. 51 Refluxing MoO3.2H2O with methanol<br />

in the presence of molecular sieve (4A) gave mainly [Mo2O5⊲OMe⊳2] with some<br />

[Na4fMo8O24⊲OMe⊳4g].8MeOH. 52<br />

The vanadium(V) oxo-trialkoxides, [VO⊲OR⊳3] (RD Et, Pr n ,Pr i ,Bu s ,Bu t ,C2H4Cl,<br />

C2H4F, CH2CCl3) were prepared by refluxing finely divided V2O5 with alcohol and<br />

benzene and removing the water produced (Eq. 5.28) by azeotropic distillation. 46<br />

V2O5 C 6ROH ! 2VO⊲OR⊳3 C 3H2O ⊲5.28⊳<br />

Zubieta et al. have obtained the interesting polyoxovanadate anions<br />

involving V(IV): [V10O16fEtC⊲CH2O⊳3g4] 4 , [V10O13fEtC⊲CH2O⊳3g5] , 53<br />

[V10O14⊲OH⊳2f⊲OCH2⊳3CCH2OHg4] 2 , 54 [BafV6O7⊲OH3⊳gf⊲OCH2⊳3CMeg3].3H2Oand<br />

[Na2fV6O7gf⊲OCH2⊳3CEtg4] 55 byhydrothermalreactionsof a mixture of vanadiumoxides<br />

[V(III) andV(V)]. Some mixed valency [V(IV), V(V)] species [V10O16f⊲OCH2⊳3CRg4] 2<br />

(R D Et, Me) 54 and ⊲Me3NH⊳[V6O7⊲OH⊳3f⊲OCH2⊳3CMeg3] 55 were similarly obtained.<br />

Other syntheses have utilized the solubility of quaternary ammonium salts of polyvanadates<br />

to obtain the polyoxo-alkoxo vanadate ions [V6O13f⊲OCH2⊳3CRg2] 3 (R D Me,

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