Inspiring Women Magazine May 2023

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Elsie Bose Founder &Advertising Manager<br />

FAUSA & AWG Paris<br />

Elsie making a new friend at the<br />

Abu Dhabi Falcon Clinic. (above)<br />

AWC Brussels Board, breaking ground<br />

for the clubhouse renovation,1996.<br />

(above right)<br />

AWC Toronto donated $60,000 to the<br />

University of Toronto scholarship<br />

program. (middle right)<br />

Elsie was the keynote speaker at the<br />

AWG Paris 100th Anniversary Gala held<br />

last April. (bottom right)<br />

Elsie with Speaker of the House of<br />

Commons, Gilbert Parent, in Ottawa.<br />

(below)<br />

I was born in New York, the eldest of four girls.<br />

My dad was a Navy pilot, so moving and living<br />

in different places was normal to me. I studied<br />

at Mary Washington College in Virginia, but<br />

graduated from the University of Maryland<br />

with a BA in criminology. My grandfather, who<br />

was a judge in New York, got me an interview<br />

with his local congressman for an internship on<br />

the Hill. The interview went very well, and the<br />

congressman referred me to the Interns’ Office<br />

to sort out the details. I walked in behind a<br />

man who was also being considered for an<br />

internship. He was directed to an interview<br />

room. When it was my turn, I was directed to a<br />

typewriter. When I asked why, the receptionist<br />

said, “We don’t expect men to type.” I said, “Well,<br />

don’t expect me to either.” And I left. I had a job in the local DC department store while<br />

in school and went full time. That led to a career as a buyer and executive with several<br />

major retail chains.<br />

I met and married my husband Bob in Washington. Opportunities and promotions for<br />

both of us sent us to Pittsburgh, then Denver. From Denver, a major career move for<br />

Bob included a chance to move to Brussels, Belgium. Unsure what I was going to do, I<br />

joined the American <strong>Women</strong>’s Club of Brussels. I served on the board as Vice-President<br />

and chair of the clubhouse renovation committee, and I am proud to say that the<br />

renovation came in on time, and under budget. In 1997, we relocated to Toronto,<br />

Canada. We lived downtown. It was so exciting! I became active in the American<br />

<strong>Women</strong>’s Club of Toronto, becoming its president.<br />

In the fall of 1999, Bob told me he had been offered a new job, and what would I think<br />

about living in Paris? I went to the closet, got a suitcase, and turned to him and said,<br />

“let’s go!” I joined AWG Paris and was President from 2002–2005. We had an enthusiastic<br />

Board and vibrant membership. AWG began the Woman of the Year awards, the OOPS<br />

Auction, and published a cookbook.<br />

I attended my first FAWCO conference in Stockholm, Sweden. Later, I was asked to join<br />

the Board of The FAWCO Foundation. I oversaw the Development Grants program and<br />

went on to serve as The Foundation’s president from 2008–2010. In 2013, we moved<br />

to Dubai, where we lived until 2017. The FAWCO President, Monica Jubayli, lived there<br />

too, and she seemed to think I needed something to do, so she asked me to be the<br />

Advertising and Sponsorship Manager for FAWCO, a role in which I continue to serve<br />

from Texas.<br />

The intent of the magazine is to create a fun and informative magazine with “mass”<br />

appeal to individual club members by introducing them to other FAWCO members,<br />

clubs, and countries. The <strong>Inspiring</strong> <strong>Women</strong> team loves the “what if?“ question. Answering<br />

that question has helped us grow a loyal readership, add social media, organize<br />

workshops, and host live events. I hope we will continue to accept that challenge with<br />

our new team and have a blast doing it!<br />


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