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m - DISA

m - DISA


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pega 17<br />

oppressed BOTH by capital and by een. Sites such a*<br />

tha household in ehieh tM elfe's unpaid labour<br />

benefits BOTH capital and mm. Looking at altaa of<br />

oppression such as th« household and tha health car*<br />

system hes tha potential far mobilising women because<br />

it involves raising questions about 'the private<br />

domain', about our most dooply intieete and paraonal<br />

affairs. These question* en* not noneelly tha subject<br />

of political struggle. ^ Making these laauaa part<br />

of politics, feminism he* bagun to break doan tha<br />

barriara ahlch hava kept 00 aany paopla - especially<br />

eoeen - out of political struggle. It haa thla<br />

potantUl bacauaa it la calling for a 'total<br />

politics*, a polltlca atilch flghta oppression on<br />

all fronta- Tha notion of tha totality of oppression<br />

la cantrml to tha amdit theoretical tradition, but<br />

haa baan lost In racialist politics - In methods of<br />

organising. It la a tradition on ehicn feminism can<br />

build.<br />

To raturn to HartsaVt'e alalia, a divorce la<br />

needed - not fro* marxism, but froa bourgaola and<br />

radical faainlsai and tha divlaiva and dlatractlng<br />

atrataglaa they* hava generated. A 'healthier<br />

aerrlage* bataaan amrxle* and feminism lnvolvaa<br />

prioritising foadnist polltlca in a aora craatlva eey.<br />

•Organising eYjaen* leave* "any Important quaaUona<br />

unaneeereds<br />

1. *hat la tha rola of tha ahita middle claaa<br />

faminiat In our atruggla; a struggle In ahlch aa<br />

ara both tha oppraaaad and tha oppressors? Joaaph<br />

haa arguad that it la necaasary for ahita feminists to<br />

(l) racognlaa thair implication In tha<br />

partnership (of capital and patriarchy) aa<br />

banafactors and tools;<br />

(ii) address tha unique problaaa of black eoeen<br />

In tha labour force*; and<br />

(ill) distinguish bataaan tha rola of ahita een<br />

and black nan in tha partnership of capital<br />

and patriarchy (Joaaph, 1901:102).<br />

2. Ihat Is tha rale of tha progressiva een In<br />

relation to feeinlee? The currant 'politic** of<br />

adoption' 4 la hardly a strong platform froa ahlch<br />

alliances could be forge*. One version of this hea<br />

boen articulated aa follows:<br />

To tha eittent that feminist daaanda flow froa<br />

m^ experience of oppression ahlch is specific<br />

to eoasn, which een can never themselves<br />

emparlance and to ahich they actively contribute,<br />

all they can do *e listen, agree and support*<br />

Thus male socialists can support women's<br />

struggles for tM see* raaaon that they support<br />

the struggles of ell oppressed people, and<br />

faalnlaa is linked to socialise, through the<br />

general cetegory of oppression. This kind of<br />

aele solidarity elth faalnlaa aeeas to offer e<br />

nee version of an old problem facing ahita<br />

middle dees aala lntellactuela: the fact that<br />

tha objects of tnelr polltlcel concern have<br />

alaays been external and other - the poor, the<br />

black, the colonieed, exploited and physically or<br />

spiritually crushed in soae Inaccessible<br />

combination (Politics and Poeer: 1991:3).<br />

3. la there a case U> be aada for a speclficolly<br />

black faainlat politics? Soma time ago, Kollontai<br />

posed the question of ehether a united eoeen's<br />

aovaaent aas possible in a aoclety based on class<br />

contradict lone* ee harve to take thle further and<br />

aak ehat are the possibilities for faalnlaa in a<br />

v<br />

society shot through elth racial Inequality and<br />

antagonises? The eexual inequality beteeen black<br />

een and somen haa very different historical and<br />

cultural beginnings tP those beteeen ehltes, and<br />

clearly calls for dlffsrent atrategiee for change.<br />

Angela Oavls has ergued that tha inetltutlon of<br />

elavery pleyed a curloua role in bringing about<br />

equality aaong black een end eoeen. In South<br />

Africa, the structure* of apartheid hava created a<br />

shared senae of oppression aaong blacks, and generated<br />

ymrf particular foree of sexual inequality. Thla<br />

eould auggest that tha peculiar dynamics of racial<br />

oppression have to be confronted and not subsuaad in<br />

claas anelyele.<br />

4. Hoe much dialogue 1* there beteeen ahita and<br />

black soman in South Africa at preeent? joaaph<br />

seea a prooase of mutual •creation aa the key to<br />

political action:<br />

Aa black and shite feminists combine forcts In<br />

the atruggla against eele aupraascy and ahita<br />

supremacy, they rust be willing to communicate<br />

and follow a ror-et consisting of dialogue,<br />

practise, more dialogue, and acre practise -<br />

moving slowly and Inexorably toaerds advanced<br />

levela of underetandlng and reepect for one<br />

another's dlfferencee. The similarities among<br />

eoeen era aaalar to understand and ahould be<br />

used es building blocks toearde understanding<br />

and respect for racial and claaa dlfferencee.<br />

The possibility of an alliance beteeen black and<br />

ahita women c*n only bs realised If enite eoeen<br />

understend the nature of their oppression<br />

eithin the context of the oppression of blacks<br />

[Joaaph, 1961:106).<br />

Only at that point "ill »• be able to unite in a Lueauii<br />

struggle agelnet reclel, saxuel end claas inequality.<br />

But tha different forme and structures demanded in<br />

thla struggle have to be specified very clearly.<br />

Tha authors of 'Organising Women* begin their<br />

article by quoting froa the Women's Charter of the<br />

Federation of South African Women, l9S4t ahlch etatee,<br />

'we eoeen have stood and will stand shoulder to<br />

shoulder (ay aaphesl*) *ith our menfolk In e coaaon<br />

struggle egalnst poverty, race and claaa<br />

dlscrtadnatiom,*.*. 'finouloer to shoulder' mas<br />

a rallying cry among the militant auffragettae of<br />

the •o-en's Social and Political Union (ISPU) In<br />

Britain early In this century, thla powerful leaps<br />

of alliance raise* difficult questions ln the South<br />

African context. Thla ooaaent hee simply triad to<br />

focus on aoae of thee.<br />

Jacklyn Cock (February 196?)<br />

•sas<br />

'1. Hertaan, H - 'The unhappy aarrlaga of marxism<br />

1979 and feeinlam*, ln Capital and Class.<br />

Number 6, ttuaeor 1999.<br />

2. da Chungare, 0 - Let mm Speak. Testimony of<br />

1976 ' DreiitlaTT^oaan of t*e Bolivian elnos,<br />

(Qtage 1, London).<br />

3. Joaaph, 0 - 'The incompatible eenege a trois:<br />

1961 aanciaSJ, faalnlaa and reciea 1 In<br />

L Sargent (ed) WOaen and Revolution<br />

[Pluto Prase, London J.<br />

4. Politics and Pcmrny 111. (Routladge and Kegan Paul,<br />

5. Kollontai, A - Selected Tritings. Allison and<br />

1977 Bueoyt LondonJ.<br />

6. Oevie, A * •Refleetiona on the black eoeen *s role<br />

1971 in Che coeemjnlty of sieves 4 , ln The t<br />

Blacx Scholar, vol 3 no 4, December 1971.

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