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m - DISA

m - DISA


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I suthors' contention thmt it il oxpadiant to organism<br />

rw&mI only to drm« the* in to thm main stream of<br />

political organisation. Why also? Bacauaa thay art<br />

nicer paapla than man?<br />

•Wan naad to be organlaad bacauaa thay hava not<br />

. aa yat ihoultfarad thalr Full share of tha burden of<br />

struggle against a system ahlch tha authora thamsalvma<br />

* recognise oppraaa tham mora harahly than It doaa tha<br />

i<br />

othar half of tha *oppraaaad masses'.<br />

Sorely tha quaation which tha aomsii's study<br />

* oroop ahould hava aslcad ems: any bo •BUM not<br />

participate 'equally and actively', and ho* to gat<br />

thaa to do ao. Omawnding that thay do - ehmthar tha<br />

• daamnd la mmda to man or aoman * la a llttla baalda<br />

•<br />

tha point until that quaation haa baan mnaamrad.<br />

Urtfortunataly, 'Organising Wornon?' did not<br />

anmemr it. It merely confuaad tha quaation.<br />

Response 3<br />

THE artlcla 'Organising toman?' («P 21) la walcoma<br />

bacauaa thara la a good daal about aoman'a oppraaalon,<br />

daaa division and organlsablllty In South Africa that<br />

naada to ba dabatad froa both practical and<br />

thaoratlcal viewpoints. Tha artlcla providaa a vivid<br />

plctura of soma aortclng claaa aoman'a axparianca, and<br />

haa triad to ba raadabla and colloquial*<br />

Ita central aaafcnass ft earns to aa tO ba tha<br />

inadaquata dlatinction betaaen oppraaalon and mconomic<br />

p axploitatlon. • Thla raaulta In tha vagua generalities<br />

of tha conclusion; no claar anaaar la givan to tha<br />

quaatlona poaad at tha beginning of tha artlcla.<br />

Time and again, oppraaalon la rafarrad to aa<br />

tha apaciflc and concrete axparianca of exploitation*<br />

By opprmaalon aa ara talking about tha way In<br />

f ahlch aorfcing people axparianca tha affaota of<br />

thla amploitmtion In thalr daily llvaa. For<br />

axampla, loaar amgaa aaan inadaquata food,<br />

poor housing and Inadaquata education.<br />

Tha authora aaaa to mean that non-oanarahlp of<br />

tha mamna of production laada to olaaa exploitation;<br />

ahlch in turn causas loa aaqaa; ahlch in turn<br />

raaulta in auffaring and deprivation, ahlch la tha<br />

aa**) thing aa oppraaalon. Woman auffar daprivatlona<br />

ovar and abova thoaa of tha morfclng claaa, ahila<br />

aharlng thoaa aa mall.<br />

Aa far aa I oan aam, economic claaa mxploitation<br />

arialng from tha moda of pro-party oanarahlp undar<br />

capitalism ia ragardad by tha authora aa tha aola<br />

basis of all forma of oppraaalon in aociaty; and<br />

individual or group axparianca of that axploitatlon<br />

la ahat tha authora undaratand by oppraaalon.<br />

anile tha authora glva mn explanation for claaa<br />

axploitatlon (non-oanarahlp of tha mamna of production)<br />

thay noahara glva a raaaon for tha apaciflc and axtra<br />

penalties auffarad by aoman. Thay daacrlba thasa<br />

lntaraatlngly and movingly, but aithout any axplanatlon<br />

aa to any woman aa an Idantlflable group ahould auffar<br />

tha axtra penalties of oppraaalon. Thay seem ovar*<br />

anxious not to dapict aoman'a oppraaalon aa arialng<br />

froa a contradiction aaparata or avan dlatingulahabla<br />

from claaa oppraaalon; thay avoid any mention of<br />

patriarchy and tha dabataa around it, or discussion<br />

of auch iaauaa aa tha technical diviaion of labour.<br />

Aa a raaulta tha authora ara unabla to conaldar<br />

any forma of famala oppraaalon othar than aorfclng<br />

class oppraaalon - in fact* according to thalr<br />

conceptualisation t only working class eommn oan<br />

auffar oppraaalon. Thla daaplta tha fact that a<br />

numbar of tha axamplaa thay put foraard for aorklng<br />

claaa aoman*a oppraaalon * tha doubla day, aaxual<br />

abuaa lnalda and outalda aarriaga, being cut off<br />

from aldar social activity by family atructuraa and<br />

raatrictiona - ara axparlancad by woman in othar<br />

clessee.<br />

Thara is noahara any augpaatlon that tha ability<br />

to oppraaa ia a function of political poamr, and<br />

convaraaly that oppraaalon la a consequence of<br />

political poaarlaasnaaa. Oppraaalon derives from<br />

political poamr, political poaar doaa not alamys derive<br />

from aconcaiic poaar. (If political poamr alaaya<br />

dartvad from aconomlc poamr, state poaar could nmvilr B<br />

changa handa onca hald by mn economically dominant<br />

claaa. Burmly any thought about tha split bataman<br />

political poaar and aconomlc control in tha third<br />

aorld aould ahom that tha kind of raductlonlam<br />

that la unabla to aam poamr aourcaa aaparata from<br />

economic/property ownership la going to go vary far<br />

aatray).<br />

Polltloal poamr can ba understood in tha<br />

brondost sense aa tha ability, by sanction or<br />

coercion, to protect or advance ona's interests<br />

aa mn Individual, a group or a claaa. Economic<br />

and/or atata poaar arm not tha only aourcaa of<br />

poaar and potantially of oppraaalon in a aociaty i<br />

aithln many - If not all - social organisations and<br />

atructuraa thara ia a potential for sanction and<br />

coarclon aithln tha organiaation, and in ralation to<br />

othara, according to tha organisation's scope.<br />

Aa tha authora damonstrata, avan aithln tha working<br />

claaa thara la dlffarmntlal mccmaa to organisational,<br />

community, family and othar atructural baaaa of<br />

authority mnd poaar.<br />

Tha artlcla describes tha authority of aorfclrvj<br />

claaa mmn within tha family, and thalr ability to<br />

oppraaa on that level. Gonamojuancas of thla arm<br />

fait in community and trada union organisation aa a<br />

raault of axtrm difficulties axpmrlancmd by aoman<br />

In participating- in thmm at all, nmvar mind on<br />

equal terns.<br />

•omen's oppraaalon * tha doubla day; axtra<br />

aaarlnmaa and no tlma for activity outalda eor+c and<br />

tha family; aaxual abuaa; unahmrmd rmaponalbllity<br />

for children; marginaliaatlon in tha labour force -<br />

muat spring from aoman'a poamrlmaanmaa In social<br />

atructuraa, baginnlng alth tha fmally. It<br />

reproduces itself in othar social aranas, including<br />

tha labour market, ahlch la many woman's hopm of aoma<br />

material baaia for ultimata lndapandmnca of family<br />

authority.<br />

All thla la obvloualy not a almpla apln-off of<br />

thalr aconomlc position aa aorfcara: famala * super<br />

axploitatlon* la mmda possible by thm structures of<br />

specifically aommn'a oppraaalon. In an exploited<br />

claaa, thla alll ba mora acuta, bacauaa powarlaasnaaa<br />

aa woman ia not altlgatad by claaa privilaga and<br />

thm increased options it brings.<br />

By oaalng working; clasa aoman aa simply a type

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