m - DISA

m - DISA

m - DISA


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Response 2<br />

A few years ago BOM beat-forgotten group put out a<br />

hunp«r sticker baring the slogan 'Peaceful change<br />

no*l ' Our response to 'Organising Soman?' (flIP 21)<br />

MB auch thai aajaa aa our raaponaa to that sticker,<br />

ayepathy alth the atrong faallnga of tha authora,<br />

but disquiet at their logic<br />

Tha conclusion to 'Organising eoeanT* -<br />

It to only through tha equal and active<br />

participation of somen in all organisations,<br />

not, that aowen'e baaic demands will ba met in<br />

a future daaocratio South Africa<br />

- fllaa in tha faca of tha authora* oan data and of<br />

tha politic*! raalltiaa of t*la country.<br />

Shila appreciating tha 18 montha' raaaarch dona<br />

by tha voaan's etudy group Into tha form of<br />

oppraaaion paouliar to black working; class aoaan and<br />

raoognlalng, aa thay do, tha need for a radical changa<br />

In sexual ettltudee, ee ballava that thara ara aoaa<br />

aarloua flan in their erguaante.<br />

Firstly, aftar stating aaphatically that<br />

'tha aajortty of aoaan* ara not raady to partlclpata<br />

In mass politics (an aaaartlon aa would diaputa In<br />

Ita present form), thay than demand *ao|jal and actlua<br />

participation in all organisations'. Given that tha<br />

majority of aoaan are not raady {to quota tha<br />

authora) to partlclpata in aaia politics, ara thay<br />

suggesting that x number of aueh 'unready* aoaan<br />

gat dragged In off tha atraata to fill thalr SOT*<br />

quota In tha ranka of thaaa 'organiaationa 1 ?<br />

Or ara tha authora perhaps looking a littlo<br />

cloaar to hoaa? Ara thay aodaatly auggaatlng that<br />

thay aVe raady to ahouldar thia haavy burden<br />

thaeaelvee - being, presumedly, liberated, and thus<br />

unancuabarad with -eubeervlence, paaalvlty and lack<br />

of aalf-confidanca*?<br />

Coaa now, lac's ba raallatic. aomen ara<br />

oppraaaad becaueo that oppraaaion aarvaa carta in<br />

interests, not bacauaa thalr male counterparts<br />

don't lika mixed atoluala.<br />

•<br />

No-ona aould augpeet that undar tha praaant<br />

regime tha working clmi could eoaehow gain control<br />

of tha means of production. Why than do tha<br />

authora expect anything dlffarant In tha realms<br />

of sexual polltlca?<br />

Aftar pagaa of axaaplaa demonstrating ahy aoaan<br />

do not partlclpata aojually in 'all organiaationa'<br />

(ahatavar that aay mean), tha authora blandly demand,<br />

In thalr laat aantancat that thay ahould.<br />

Surely thay cannot ba auggaatlng that tha<br />

structural and Ideological conatralnta of South<br />

African aociaty ara accidental, and that Barely t»y<br />

aanting to, thaaa 'organiaationa 1 oan eoaehoe steal a<br />

march on mocaablqua and implement aaxual liberation<br />

before economic and political liberation?<br />

In addition, the authora aeea to ballava that<br />

the nature of faaala participation in lnduetrlal or<br />

coaaunlty action la aoeehoe different froa that of<br />

male participation. The faaala rent protaatora In<br />

Soaeto aantloned by tha authora did not necessarily<br />

participate in thet action aa aoaan; nor did thoae<br />

involved* in the Sea Harveet or Freaatex strikes* involve<br />

thaaaelvaa bacauaa thay eere aoaan. ThU aould onty<br />

ba tha case if It could ba ehoen that aoaan only act<br />

aa aoaan, and never aa part of a broader, non-<br />

aaxuelly defined coaatunlty.<br />

Poaan auffar aa auch aa aan froa non-aexuel<br />

foraa of oppraaaion and exploitation. Ihy than do<br />

the authora appear to aaa the above aotiona by aoaan<br />

aa aoaa sort of victory for faalnlat conaclouanaea?<br />

Thoae aoaan aere reacting aa people affected by<br />

particular circumstances. For aoman to partlclpata<br />

in political or Industrial action la nothing new.<br />

atwmrever people - aula or faaala - have the naceeeery<br />

opportunltiaa to act against oppraaaion, thay do.<br />

True, there era ailliona of aoaajn aho do not<br />

participate in 'mess polities'* There ara also<br />

ailliona of aan. The point of aeee political<br />

activity aould appear to be to ajoblllae ae many<br />

people ae possible over laeuee that affect thaa<br />

Jointly, not to do a heed-count of tha aexee.<br />

The structure of our aociaty diotataa a larger<br />

eada partlclpatipn, and until thet structure la<br />

s 1 tared, that diaproport Ion will remain, no aatter<br />

how undesirable*<br />

Tha article also makes auch of 'organleatione...<br />

already serving to connect working clasa aoaan*. It<br />

ahould ba pointed out that not all structures serving<br />

to connect working class aoaan are, of themselves,<br />

e Good Thing. Neither, for that Batter, are thoae<br />

serving to connect working clasa aan, or mash are of<br />

tha working class generally. One only has to<br />

consider Inkathe, ahoea strength among working<br />

claaa aan and aoaan in Natal la indisputable.<br />

And to take a atructura apparently favoured by<br />

tha authora! tha Catholic Church aoaan*a groups.<br />

One aould have to search long and hard to find a<br />

sexually progreesive coaponent In an organisation<br />

!*«• 18<br />

ahlch coidaana absolutely contraception and abortion m<br />

two major factora In tha liberation of eorklng claaa<br />

aoaan from a purely domeetlc role - and haa as lta<br />

ideological basis the inherent euperlorlty of melee.<br />

To aay nothing of tha sawing clrclea and houeaaivae'<br />

leagues ahlch appear to find auch favour aa eltaa of<br />

struggle.<br />

Yet for aoaa raeeon tha authora aaa auch groups<br />

aa having progreaeive potential, ehile rejecting<br />

the National Union of Clothing Wort ere. How does an<br />

organisation dedicated to the ralnforcaaant of<br />

aoaan's domes tic role have progreaeive potential,<br />

ahlla an organlaatlon alth a aambarehip of 20 000-<br />

plus Indisputably eorting claaa aoaan doaa not?<br />

Merely because of Us Bwbalo'a-laadarehip?<br />

It should be pointed out that while tha<br />

housewives 1 leagues and sawing circles twiddled , *<br />

thalr thumbs during tha 1976 atay eeaya, in at laaat<br />

one, ?« of Ms aVubelo'a maatoarahlp answered the<br />

students* call to etey at hoaa, ..<br />

And than there U the laaue of asperate eeaan'm<br />

organiaationa. Or rather, than thara lan*t. Surely<br />

thia la one of the fundaaantal leauea ahlch needa to •<br />

ba examined. Yet the authors of 'Qrffanlalng soman?-<br />

skip over tha laaue aa If all the arguaanta are i<br />

coaa on knowledge, and only the conclusion (that thay<br />

are e Good Thing To Have - In moderation), le worth<br />

putting on paper.<br />

Finally, ae aould lika to take laaue with tha

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