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m - DISA


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&C..31<br />

to work in protest against tha dismissal of two<br />

colleagues* MX "*re dismissed but later reemploy**<br />

(Star, 05*03.62).<br />

Unilever (Boksburg): About 200 writer* et the Lever<br />

Brothers plant struck for o few hours on 25 February.<br />

This wee in protest over the dismissal of some of<br />

their colleagues. The return to work happened In<br />

tereis of a dispute procedure agreed upon by the<br />

CU&A-effiliated Food, Beverage and Allied workers*<br />

Union and Unilever laat rwjvember*<br />

A Wolff General Engineers (taltltu, Pratorle): At<br />

this factory 40 coloured painter* and welders resigned.<br />

They were protesting about the fact that they were to<br />

be replaced by african workers. One of then said,<br />

•If blexka take our poaitions they will work for lastpay*<br />

(Star. 21.01.62).<br />

aoltube (Cwrmleton): About ?60 workers struck<br />

demanding the dlsajissal of a white security guard.<br />

He was dismissed two days later and the atrlkers<br />

returned to work*<br />

KATAL<br />

Beta (trading as KweZulu Shoe Cofrpanv) (Loskop, near<br />

Cetcourt): this factory is owned Jointly by the<br />

(Canadian based) Beta company (holding a teo thirds<br />

share), and the state**. Corporation for Economic<br />

Development (CEO) (one third share).<br />

The F08ATU-affiliated National Union of Textile<br />

Woxkere (MJTw) has been active in organising tha<br />

workers at the factory. At a union meeting a woman<br />

worker nad coaplslned of ill-treatment by a supervisor<br />

at tha firm. She wee subseojuantly dl&misssed and<br />

another 100 woifeers were told that they would also<br />

be fired if they attended union meetings.<br />

On Monday, 22 February, TOO eorkara et the KSC<br />

want on strike in support of tha dismissed worker*<br />

workers ears eeid to be earning 1)14 e week. When the<br />

Industrial Council for the Leather Industry was asked<br />

to coawont on these wages, they aald that there was<br />

nothing they could do as tha factory 'was not in<br />

South Africa*! (Natal Usrcuryt 24,02.62).<br />

The IC spokeaparaon confirmed that the wages<br />

paid by the KSC were far below tha minimum laid<br />

down by tha IC for tha factories in the induetry '<br />

('e^n e flinking worker, responsible for cutting out<br />

the uppers, was paid a minimum of R7dt41 a week,<br />

ectordlng to tha (IC) agreement").<br />

Philip Kotxenberg, ftsnlor llaleon officer<br />

of the CEO, said that the Corporation "did not interfere<br />

in eny of the homeland Industries' eat up by tha<br />

CEO. It was a matter between management end workers.<br />

Ha aald tha primary objective of the corporation<br />

wee to provide work in tha rural areas. It<br />

could not do thia if it had to adhere to tha<br />

minimum wages laid down for metropolitan areas<br />

by tha various Industrial councils,<br />

(Natal mercury. 2a.02.62)<br />

Obed Zume, general secretary of the NUTV, said<br />

that the matter had also been taken up with the<br />

KwaZulu Legislative Assembly and the local chief,<br />

esklng them to exert pressurs.<br />

On fednesday, Za February, workers allegedly<br />

decided to return to work, after an NUTS meeting.<br />

'Community councillors' (?) had earlier asked ths<br />

worksrs (at management's request) to return to work.<br />

The workers refused to listen to this request.<br />

There is e considerable broek in the coverage of<br />

this strike that aa have at our disposal, dealing<br />

with tha next few weeks.<br />

It was reported on 16 March that 700 workers<br />

had been fired 'lest Thursday* (la 11 Merer*}. xn<br />

tha saw report it was said that tha NUTV said<br />

that management would not speak to them or to the<br />

KwaZulu 'labour officer*. The union also said that<br />

there had been no production at the factory since<br />

the dismissals.<br />

Howevsr, another report (Echo, supplement to<br />

the Natal (fitness, 18.03.62) said that ZA Khenyile,<br />

the KwaZulu 'labour officer' had mat with manmgeaint.<br />

Evan on the flimsy newe wa have on thia etrlke<br />

It Is obvious that there are eeverel important<br />

aspmcts to it: It draws attention to tha nature of<br />

foreign investment (some of it) in South Africa,<br />

willing to make the most of the extremely exploitable<br />

conditions that exist in tha bsntustana; it draws<br />

attention to links between foreign companies and the<br />

CEO, under the guise of providing employment<br />

opportunities; it shows up the llmltetions to the<br />

Industrial council system whan it comes to setting<br />

wages; the difficulties of organising workers In<br />

conditions of poverty end unemployment are present;<br />

and it raises the interesting aspect of the<br />

reletlonehlp between the bantustan authorities<br />

(in this cane the pro-Investment Buthelezl region)<br />

end (he workers situated etthln their areas - ehat<br />

was the line that the 'labour officer' took with the<br />

KSC management, and how did tha chief respond to the<br />

reouest that he exert pressure on the company?<br />

Hopefully one of our readers will be able to<br />

fill ua In on these and many other Questions that<br />

arise out of thia strike.<br />

Defy (Jacobs, Ourban): See) IIP21:S2.<br />

The evening shift on Monday, 1 Februory, refused to<br />

start work and by tha next day all 1 200 workers<br />

ware on strike. The issue was, once more, workers*<br />

contributions to and withdrawal from the pension<br />

fund administered through tha Induetrlal Council<br />

for tha steel industry, to which Defy belongs.<br />

The South African Allied Workers Union (SAMU),<br />

representing most of the Defy workare, were taic<br />

to be holding talks with representative* of the<br />

pension fund.Oefy dlrectora said that tha company<br />

had applied to tha Industrial Council to withdraw from<br />

the the Group metal Industries Pension Fund, and to<br />

establish a private schema.<br />

SCIFSA, the employer body in tha industi-y, said<br />

that it was examining the pension lasue * but at the<br />

monmnt contrlbutiona cannot be withdrawn unite* the<br />

employee laavea tha induetry, end then only *ft*r six<br />

montha have expired. This was already e change from<br />

the previous 'frozen' pension sltuetion (frozen until<br />

death or retirement] - e condition the earns *is that<br />

proposed and dropped In tha state's Psntion Bin. As<br />

for tha six month delay, Sam von Caller (SEIFfiA<br />

director) said that *ww have asaumad that for tha first<br />

six months after a worker loaae a Job, ha will be ebie<br />

to cleim from the uViemployment Insurance Fund' [HOM,<br />

10.02.62),<br />

On Thursday, 4 February, after an ultimatum to<br />

return to eorkt all workers eare fired aa 'tha<br />

coapeny could no longer tolerate the eorkere*<br />

continued absence and refusal to work' (R0II, 05.02.82).<br />

Herbert 8ernabus, notional organiser of tha<br />

SAAftU, said that a workers' committee had told<br />

management that they would meat the ultimatum "if<br />

Omfy could settle the pension issue within tha next<br />

two weeks' (Natel Mercury, 09.02.62). The workare<br />

were elso awaiting tha arrival of their lawyer,<br />

Graham Dyson, from Johannesburg.<br />

Defy was reported to be taking on workers from<br />

Monday, 8 February. 8y that day tha atrlka was said<br />

(by director R Collie) to have cost tha firm ft1,4-n.<br />

Fired employe** could reapply for their Jobe but<br />

would lose long-service beneflta.<br />

No further lnfonestion at present.<br />

Herkel Chemical manufacturers (Prospecton, Ourban):<br />

Bee SIP 21:53. 230 workers were fired on 10 March<br />

after being on atrlka (from reports at hand It is<br />

not clear for now long) over pension fund refunds,<br />

wages, and the nee shift system which decreased the<br />

difference'in wee** paid to shift and day workers,<br />

Tha FOBATU-affiliated CWIU and mnagemwnt warm<br />

set to meat on 24 March. Tha International Chemical<br />

and Energy Federation (Geneva-based, with mora than<br />

6HP affiliated workers Internationally) said that<br />

they would support a boycott of Henkel products if<br />

eorkere mere not reinstated, 75 workers had been<br />

taken bee*. Among thoee left out eaa CttlU national<br />

president, Able Cesle (Sunday Tribune, 21.03,62).<br />

(Information seams to Indicate that tha tftrtke<br />

started on Monday, 8 March).<br />

Iscor (Newcastle): Sea *IP 20:4? for coverage of the<br />

strike at thle plant. The Industrial Council for<br />

the Iron, Steal, Engineering and Metallurgical<br />

Industry, could not resolve the dispute batwean Iscor<br />

and the Black Allied workers' Union (BAKU). Tha<br />

meeting of tha IC (in October 1961) discus sad tha<br />

call by tha union for reinstatement with full pay<br />

of tha 76 fired workers. lecor would only take them<br />

beck -on merit* (Star, 15.10.B1). •<br />

McKlnnpn Cftaln (Pietermerltiburg): 90 workers, who<br />

had downed tools on Monday, 15 February, over<br />

alleged non-payaant of promised eage increesee<br />

ware evicted from the company T s premises by police<br />

that same afternoon. The next day they ware told<br />

that they had bean dismissed.<br />

A UAWU organiser had said that managament<br />

inelsted thet wege decisions be negotiated at<br />

Industrial council level. Tha union ems considering<br />

contacting tha USA parent company of VcKlnnon Chain.<br />

Mgndi Umber mill (Port Ournford, north coaat):<br />

All 131 workera (120 of them members of the FOBATlHeffiliated<br />

Paper, flood and Allied workare Union),<br />

were dismissed on Friday, 5 February, after having gone

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