m - DISA

m - DISA

m - DISA


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page 2&<br />

•officiant nuebers of the population to erxept such<br />

identification. Thus, atilla It la arang to regard<br />

ethnic conacioueneea a* an independent aetaphyelcel<br />

'for* 1 , It la politically and intellectually absurd to<br />

disregard lta existence entirely, anat needs to ba<br />

dona is to link tha polltlcleatlun of athnlc .<br />

dlffarancaa to tha procaaa of claaa foraatlon and<br />

to traat tha changing political and aconoalc<br />

aignlficanca of ethnicity historically,<br />

lhan aa apply thla projact to tha caaa of<br />

Bazankulu, tha eolution to tha problaa of athnlcity<br />

la eurprielngly streightforeard: politiciaad<br />

athnlcity - though by no aeons tha naatly peckaged<br />

product of a cynical conapiracy aaongst tha doainant<br />

* olaaaaa - la undarlald by aany claar aatarlal<br />

concarne. It ia therefore tha teak of this artlcla<br />

to axaapllfy and analyaa thoaa aatarlal forcaa which<br />

hava maturated tha development of politiciaad<br />

athnlcity In Gezankulu.<br />

A Taonoo/Shangaan 'Tribe'?<br />

ACCORDING to South African govornaont sources, thara<br />

aara In 1975 aoaa 7de 400 Teonge in tha Northam<br />

Tranavaal of ahoa only 266 100 actually llvad in<br />

Gezankulu. Tha Taonga orlglnatad in Uocaabloua,<br />

balng aim or laaa bataaan tha 21at and 27th dagraaa<br />

latitude. Thay arrived in tha Northam Tranavaal<br />

throughout tha 14th cantury In a nueber of aavaa of<br />

iaadgratlon. Tha flrat aava of laalgration Into tha<br />

Tranavaal aaa a raault of claahaa with Ngunl<br />

rafugaa laadara (ilka Qhoanangana), aho flad praaant<br />

day Natal aa a raault of tha tffecane. A aacond aava<br />

of Taonga iaadgratlon froa Hocanbiqua occurrad In<br />

1850-6?, dua to a auccaaalon diaputa bataaan tao of<br />

ahoahangana*a aona. A third atraaa of rafugaaa<br />

arrived In tha Tranavaal bataaan 1646 and 1900 aa a<br />

raault of tha Portugueee destruction of tha Gaza<br />

kingdom. Tha othar coaponant of Tranavaal Taonga<br />

arrivad In small groupa aftar baing aaployad aa<br />

algrant labourara on tha Tranavaal alnee.<br />

Tha crucial laportanca of tha foregoing auaawry<br />

ia that tha Taonga In tha Tranavaal aara navar<br />

| coaprlaad of unlfiad tribaa alth poaarful chiefs.<br />

Thay aara distributed over a alda geographical<br />

araa and aara concerned only to find a place to<br />

live under the protection of whatever chief aould<br />

give thaa) land. Aa a raault, Taongaa have been<br />

ecettared throughout tha Tranavaal, living eulnly<br />

amongst Venda- and Sotho-speafcera. Aa the govarneemt<br />

ethnologiet, NJ van aaraalo* put it In 1935,<br />

Tha Taonga In tha Tranavaal ara, eith aoae<br />

exceptions, not organlaad into tribes at all,<br />

but represent a larga fonaleee population, the<br />

aaka-up of ahlch elmoet defies anelyela....<br />

tha bulk of thaa live under haadaan of no real<br />

rank or atandlng or alee fora part, sometimes<br />

even the greater part, of tha folloeing of<br />

Sotho and Vande chiefs of high end loa degree. 3<br />

Tha concept of a Taonga tribe aaa conceived<br />

largaly aa a raault of the aortt of the anthropologist<br />

HA Junod in the early 20th cantury. According to<br />

Patrick Harriee, Junod, trapped in tha 19th century<br />

European Ideology of the nation-etata, attaapted<br />

•to creoto clarity ahere clarity did not axlat* by<br />

classifying the Taonga aa a group*<br />

Tha araa knoen today aa Gezankulu has eleaya<br />

bean noticeably devoid of poaarful Shangaen chlefe,<br />

and unlike tha caaa of the KeaZulu or the Tranaksi,<br />

thara hee never been a paramount Shangean chief.<br />

Yet deaplte tha abaanca of any clearly defined<br />

Taonga or Shengaan nation, the Promotion of Bantu<br />

Self Governeaint Act of 1969 racognlaad the Taonga/<br />

Shengaan aa a separate population group • Thla Act<br />

aaa folloaad in 1962 eith tha craation of a llaahangana<br />

tarritorlal authority and the subsequent granting of<br />

a legislative aaseably in 1971. In t972, tha nee*<br />

Gazankulu aaa coined, and In 1973 the nee bentuatan<br />

aaa daclared a aalf-governing tarritory eeelting<br />

* Independence •.<br />

It 1* not, hoaever, tha concern of thie<br />

contribution to explain the declalone of the South<br />

African stata in lta creetlon of Gazankulu. Aa in<br />

tha case of the other 8 bantuatana, a conplex matrix<br />

of Nationalist ideology, tha need to export tfie reeervo<br />

aray of unemployed, atteepte to fragaant afrlcana *<br />

politically, etc, all played foraatlve rolaa in the<br />

craation of tha bantuatana. Bather than diacuaaing<br />

thla aspect of bentuatan craation, it la our concern<br />

to explain hoe ethnic nationalise has been aoblliasd<br />

within Gazankulu aa a neceeeary precondition to the<br />

aucceasful execution of the hoaxtlend strategy.<br />

Class and Ethnicity<br />

IN recent atudiaa of the poet-colonial atata in<br />

Africa, it hee been coaaonly argued (eith varying<br />

degreee of sophietlcation) that nationalise) haa been<br />

the cleaa projact of tha Indigenous petty bourgeolelo<br />

in lta atteepte to eecure political and economic<br />

doalnence. Thie la qualified with the proviso that<br />

no claaa aver consplrea in unlaon to conceive an<br />

ideological bluaprint for clasa domination. Tha caaa<br />

of Gazankulu broadly aupporta thla theela. It hea In<br />

feet bean precisely because tha petty bourgeolala<br />

believee lte oen ideology that lta ideology haa gained<br />

auch force.<br />

David Dieon note* that Gezankulu's formtlon<br />

haa bean unique beceuae of the fact that a aeparata<br />

Shengaan entity aaa rmtv envisaged in tha original<br />

plan to balkaniaa South Africa. It did not groe up<br />

in tha *claaalc hoaaland aould' 7 - out of pertlaa made<br />

up of chiefs and their eupportera. Rather, its<br />

foraatlon aaa mediated through e group of &tangean<br />

buslnasaaisn, taechera and bureaucrats, under the<br />

leadership of Professor Hudaon Ntsane/iei of tha<br />

Unlvaralty of the North, and former moderator of<br />

the Taonga Presbyterian church.<br />

Olaon pernaps overetatee tha unlojuanaaa of tha<br />

foraatlon of Gazankulu. Aa ee shell praeantly aaa,<br />

the rola of chiefe and hsaoaen aalarlad by the Couth<br />

African atata haa baan a oruclal factor in Gezankulu'a<br />

craation, Navarthalaaa, It la to tha rola of tha<br />

entrepeneurial patty bourgeolala that aa should turn<br />

to flrat.<br />

During ay visit to Gazankulu in Oacaabar 1961, I<br />

apoke to only tao ehopfcaepere at any length,<br />

Intereetingly. both readily aacrlbed their eaitarial<br />

advancaasnt to the craation of Gazankulu. Evan aura<br />

lntereatlngly, both buelnssaaan edeltted that they<br />

aara tha flrat paople to live in their raepective<br />

arees. Since both thaaa bualnssaaan aara living in<br />

areas neely oocupied by raaattled paopla, the

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