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The HUMANrelationship on topOspeda<strong>le</strong> Sant'Anna, 27th January 2012. Afriendly talk with the general manager, MarcoOnofri. It’s one year that he is the directingthe most important hospital in the province ofComo. The human relationship fundamental inthe relationship between doctor and patient.How much did the approach with the peop<strong>le</strong>change? «In the past the patient usedto <strong>com</strong>e to me in order to have a technicalopinion. Today things have changed, I don’tjust face the prob<strong>le</strong>m from the clinical pointof view, I also face it from the administrativepoint of view. Anyway the human relationshipis fundamental, because the winning choice isto choose a good staff to work with».After one year from the beginning of yourjob, do you think you made the right choices?«I was lucky because I found and I chosea well-prepared staff, in particular a sanitarymanager I really trust and an administrativemanager, chosen by doctor Mentasti, I had thefortune “to inherit"».What were the main prob<strong>le</strong>ms you had to90

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