Приоритетные аспекты изучения проблемы ТБ/ВИЧ в условиях ...

Приоритетные аспекты изучения проблемы ТБ/ВИЧ в условиях ...

Приоритетные аспекты изучения проблемы ТБ/ВИЧ в условиях ...


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<strong>Приоритетные</strong> <strong>аспекты</strong> <strong>изучения</strong> <strong>проблемы</strong> <strong>ТБ</strong>/<strong>ВИЧ</strong> <strong>в</strong> усло<strong>в</strong>иях <strong>в</strong>ысокой распространенности <strong>ВИЧ</strong>-инфекции и ограниченных ресурсо<strong>в</strong>81 Perkins MD, Cunningham J. Facing the crisis:improving the diagnosis of tuberculosis in the HIVera. J Infect Dis, 2007, 196 Suppl 1:S15-27.82 Flores LL, Pai M, Colford JM, Jr. et al. In-housenucleic acid amplification tests for the detection ofMycobacterium tuberculosis in sputum specimens:meta-analysis and meta-regression. BMC Microbiol,2005, 5:55.83 Ling DI, Flores LL, Riley LW et al. Commercialnucleic-acid amplification tests for diagnosis ofpulmonary tuberculosis in respiratory specimens:meta-analysis and meta-regression. PLoS One, 2008,3(2):e1536.84 Boehme CC, Nabeta P, Hillemann D et al. Rapidmolecular detection of tuberculosis and rifampicinresistance. N Engl J Med, 2010, 363(11):1005-1015.85 WHO. Molecular Line Probe Assays for RapidScreening of Patients at risk of Multidrug-ResistantTuberculosis (MDR-TB) - Policy Statement. Geneva,World Health Organization, 2008. http://www.who.int/tb/features_archive/policy_statement.pdf86 Hillemann D, Rusch-Gerdes S, Richter E. Feasibility ofthe GenoType MTBDRsl assay for fluoroquinolone,amikacin-capreomycin, and ethambutol resistancetesting of Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains andclinical specimens. J Clin Microbiol, 2009, 47(6):1767-1772.87 Steingart KR, Henry M, Laal S et al. A systematicreview of commercial serological antibodydetection tests for the diagnosis of extrapulmonarytuberculosis. Postgrad Med J, 2007, 83(985):705-712.88 Wallis RS, Doherty TM, Onyebujoh P et al. Biomarkersfor tuberculosis disease activity, cure, and relapse.Lancet Infect Dis, 2009, 9(3):162-172.89 Kappelhoff BS, van Leth F, MacGregor TR et al.Nevirapine and efavirenz pharmacokinetics andcovariate analysis in the 2NN study. Antivir Ther,2005, 10(1):145-155.90 McIlleron H, Meintjes G, Burman WJ et al.Complications of antiretroviral therapy in patientswith tuberculosis: drug interactions, toxicity, andimmune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome. JInfect Dis, 2007, 196 Suppl 1:S63-75.91 van Oosterhout JJ, Kumwenda JJ, Beadsworth M etal. Nevirapine-based antiretroviral therapy startedearly in the course of tuberculosis treatment inadult Malawians. Antivir Ther, 2007, 12(4):515-521.92 Manosuthi W, Sungkanuparph S, Thakkinstian A etal. Plasma nevirapine levels and 24-week efficacy inHIV-infected patients receiving nevirapine-basedhighly active antiretroviral therapy with or withoutrifampicin. Clin Infect Dis, 2006, 43(2):253-255.93 Avihingsanon A, Manosuthi W, Kantipong P etal. Pharmacokinetics and 48-week efficacy ofnevirapine: 400 mg versus 600 mg per day inHIV-tuberculosis coinfection receiving rifampicin.Antivir Ther, 2008, 13(4):529-536.94 Boulle A, Van Cutsem G, Cohen K et al. Outcomesof nevirapine- and efavirenz-based antiretroviraltherapy when coadministered with rifampicinbasedantitubercular therapy. JAMA, 2008,300(5):530-539.95 Boulle A, Van Cutsem G, Cohen K et al. Outcomesof nevirapine- and efavirenz-based antiretroviraltherapy when coadministered with rifampicinbasedantitubercular therapy. Journal Of theAmerican Medical Association, 2008, 300(5):530-539.96 Manosuthi W, Tantanathip P, Prasithisirikul W et al.Durability of stavudine, lamivudine and nevirapineamong advanced HIV-1 infected patients with/without prior co-administration of rifampicin:a 144-week prospective study. BMC InfectiousDiseases, 2008, 8:136.97 Arrive E, Newell ML, Ekouevi DK et al. Prevalence ofresistance to nevirapine in mothers and childrenafter single-dose exposure to prevent verticaltransmission of HIV-1: a meta-analysis. InternationalJournal of Epidemiology, 2007, 36(5):1009-1021.98 Elsherbiny D, Cohen K, Jansson B et al. Populationpharmacokinetics of nevirapine in combinationwith rifampicin-based short course chemotherapyin HIV- and tuberculosis-infected South Africanpatients. European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology,2009, 65(1):71-80.41

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