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<strong>Приоритетные</strong> <strong>аспекты</strong> <strong>изучения</strong> <strong>проблемы</strong> <strong>ТБ</strong>/<strong>ВИЧ</strong> <strong>в</strong> усло<strong>в</strong>иях <strong>в</strong>ысокой распространенности <strong>ВИЧ</strong>-инфекции и ограниченных ресурсо<strong>в</strong>173 Mukadi YD, Wiktor SZ, Coulibaly IM et al. Impactof HIV infection on the development, clinicalpresentation, and outcome of tuberculosis amongchildren in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire. AIDS, 1997,11(9):1151-1158.174 Palme IB, Gudetta B, Bruchfeld J et al. Impact ofhuman immunodeficiency virus 1 infection onclinical presentation, treatment outcome andsurvival in a cohort of Ethiopian children withtuberculosis. Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal,2002, 21(11):1053-1061.175 Jeena PM, Pillay P, Pillay T et al. Impact of HIV-1 co-infection on presentation and hospitalrelatedmortality in children with culture provenpulmonary tuberculosis in Durban, South Africa.International Journal of Tuberculosis and LungDisease, 2002, 6(8):672-678.176 Marais BJ, Graham SM, Cotton MF et al. Diagnosticand management challenges for childhoodtuberculosis in the era of HIV. Journal of InfectiousDiseases, 2007, 196 Suppl 1:S76-85.177 Cotton MF, Schaaf HS, Lottering G et al.Tuberculosis exposure in HIV-exposed infants ina high-prevalence setting. International Journal ofTuberculosis and Lung Disease, 2008, 12(2):225-227.178 Schaaf HS, Krook S, Hollemans DW et al. Recurrentculture-confirmed tuberculosis in humanimmunodeficiency virus-infected children. PediatricInfectious Disease Journal, 2005, 24(8):685-691.179 Elenga N, Kouakoussui KA, Bonard D et al. Diagnosedtuberculosis during the follow-up of a cohort ofhuman immunodeficiency virus-infected childrenin Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire: ANRS 1278 study. PediatricInfectious Disease Journal, 2005, 24(12):1077-1082.180 Gray DM, Zar H, Cotton M. Impact of tuberculosispreventive therapy on tuberculosis and mortalityin HIV-infected children. Cochrane Database ofSystematic Reviews, 2009, (1):CD006418.181 Zar HJ, Cotton MF, Strauss S et al. Effect ofisoniazid prophylaxis on mortality and incidenceof tuberculosis in children with HIV: randomisedcontrolled trial. BMJ, 2007, 334(7585):136.182 NIAID. Anti-TB Drugs Fails to Benefit HIV-ExposedInfants who were Unexposed to TB at StudyEnrollment. National Institute of Allergy andInfectious Diseases, 2008. http://www3.niaid.nih.gov/news/newsreleases/2008/isoniazid_trial.htm183 Hesseling AC, Rabie H, Marais BJ et al. BacilleCalmette-Guerin vaccine-induced disease in HIVinfectedand HIV-uninfected children. ClinicalInfectious Diseases, 2006, 42(4):548-558.184 Hesseling AC, Johnson LF, Jaspan H et al.Disseminated bacille Calmette-Guerin disease inHIV-infected South African infants. Bulletin of theWorld Health Organization, 2009, 87(7):505–511.185 Rabie H, Violar, A., Madhi, S. Complications of BCGvaccination in HIV-infected and uninfected children:CHER Study Boston, USA, 2008. http://www.retroconference.org/2008/Abstracts/33235.htm186 Nuttall JJ, Davies MA, Hussey GD et al. BacillusCalmette-Guerin (BCG) vaccine-inducedcomplications in children treated with highlyactive antiretroviral therapy. International Journal ofInfectious Diseases, 2008, 12(6):e99-105.187 Mansoor N, Scriba TJ, de Kock M et al. HIV-1 infectionin infants severely impairs the immune responseinduced by Bacille Calmette-Guerin vaccine.Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2009, 199(7):982-990.188 WHO. Guidance for national tuberculosis programmeson the management of tuberculosis in children.Geneva, Switzerland, 2006. http://whqlibdoc.who.int/hq/2006/WHO_HTM_TB_2006.371_eng.pdf189 Schaaf HS, Marais BJ, Whitelaw A et al. Cultureconfirmedchildhood tuberculosis in Cape Town,South Africa: a review of 596 cases. BBMC InfectiousDiseases, 2007, 7:140.190 Swaminathan S, Datta M, Radhamani MP et al. Aprofile of bacteriologically confirmed pulmonarytuberculosis in children. Indian Pediatrics, 2008,45(9):743-747.191 Hesseling AC, Schaaf HS, Gie RP et al. A criticalreview of diagnostic approaches used in thediagnosis of childhood tuberculosis. InternationalJournal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 2002,6(12):1038-1045.46

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