Letnik 9/2, september 2007 - Slovenska vojska

Letnik 9/2, september 2007 - Slovenska vojska

Letnik 9/2, september 2007 - Slovenska vojska


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Andrew Nichols Pratt<br />

ever-ready assault rifle at his side, dressed in the “jihad chic” of the day, overseeing<br />

a loose confederation of like-minded apostates from the Muslim world. Planning<br />

operations and making tapes for the media, he will not miss his moment of glory or<br />

play second fiddle. Bin Laden missed the noble Jihad against the first great Satan,<br />

Soviet Union and subsequently needed to start his own sordid little war against the<br />

remaining great Satan.<br />

Captured on videotape, Bin Laden describes how the planes that “kamikazed”<br />

into the World Trade Center towers did far more damage than ever imagined.<br />

“We calculated in advance the number of casualties from the enemy ... I was the<br />

most optimistic of them all.” He craves center stage. Dr. Jerrold Post, a renowned<br />

CIA analyst who has devoted his entire career to the field of political psychology,<br />

recently labeled Bin Laden as a “malignant narcissist,” a personality overflowing<br />

with narcissist-excessive self-admiration. On video, Bin Laden exudes grandiose<br />

self-importance, reflecting his messianic sense of mission, and demonstrating an<br />

inability to empathize with others. Most threatening to the West, he rages internally<br />

at being upstaged by the world’s focus elsewhere. If Bin Laden thrives on being<br />

in the global spotlight, he is likely a bit depressed in his hideout these days. The<br />

leader of the Al-Qaida terrorist organization has not made an appearance on the<br />

evening news for quite some time. What is more, the Taliban no longer need Bin<br />

Laden as a figurehead and financer as they did 65 months ago. The Taliban now<br />

have “their own star” in their struggle against Western soldiers and the Afghan<br />

government of President Hamid Karzai, Mullah Dadullah. He sports a pitch<br />

black beard, always wears a military jacket and these days, he is omnipresent in<br />

the media. Bin Laden’s ego, his raison d’être, is anguishing and this could be his<br />

downfall.<br />

Osama Bin Laden has survived since 9/11, but one day he will die. We cannot<br />

foresee the details regrettably, but we can foresee the fact. He too will die and<br />

we must not reconstruct him when he goes. We cannot mistake Bin Laden for<br />

what he really is. Like Arafat, a cold blooded terrorist, Bin Laden is of similar<br />

ilk wrapping himself in a cloak of religion. Over twenty years ago, Afghan<br />

Mujahideen heroically fought to liberate their country against the invading army of<br />

a totalitarian, atheistic superpower. In contrast, Bin Laden proudly kills innocents<br />

and attempts to instigate a clash of civilization between Islam and the rest of the<br />

world to liberate only his ego. Make no mistake, what makes Osama Bin Laden<br />

“tick” is not service to Islam; he thrives on self-adulation.<br />


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