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Travis The Translator<br />

VËn t≠Îng rªng chÿ lµ mÈt kh∏i ni÷m tÂn tπi trong c∏c cuËn<br />

s∏ch khoa h‰c vi‘n t≠Îng nh≠ng m∏y phin dch t˘ ÆÈng giÍ<br />

Æ©y Æ∑ trÎ thµnh hi÷n th˘c. Travis lµ m∏y phin dch th´ng<br />

minh Æ«u tin trn th’ giÌi Æ≠Óc hÁ trÓ bÎi tr› th´ng minh<br />

nh©n tπo. Travis giÛp ph∏ vÏ c∏c rµo c∂n ng´n ng˜ trn toµn<br />

th’ giÌi do c„ nhi“u t›nh n®ng †n t≠Óng nh≠ hÁ trÓ dch 80<br />

ng´n ng˜ tr˘c tuy’n vµ 23 ng´n ng˜ mµ kh´ng c«n k’t nËi<br />

mπng. VÌi k’t nËi 3G vµ Wi-Fi, pin sˆ dÙng Æ≠Óc trong 12 giÍ<br />

cho tr∂i nghi÷m dch lin tÙc.<br />

ß≠Óc trang b chip xˆ l˝ quad<br />

Core nn Travis c„ hi÷u su†t<br />

cao, chÿ sau 2 gi©y ti’p nhÀn<br />

gi‰ng n„i, ng≠Íi sˆ dÙng<br />

Æ∑ nhÀn Æ≠Óc b∂n dch<br />

r‚ rµng vµ sÛc t›ch. VÌi<br />

nh˜ng t›nh n®ng Æ„, m∏y<br />

phin dch lµ mÈt thi’t b<br />

kh´ng th” thi’u cho du<br />

kh∏ch vµ doanh nh©n.<br />

No longer a concept existing<br />

only in science fiction books,<br />

the instant voice translating<br />

device has now come to life. Meet<br />

Travis, the world's first smart pocket<br />

translator powered by artificial intelligence.<br />

Travis breaks down language barriers worldwide due to its<br />

impressive array of features. It supports translation of over 80<br />

languages online and 23 offline, with 3G and Wi-Fi connectivity,<br />

and it has a built-in 12-hour battery for a seamless translation<br />

experience.<br />

Equipped with a high performance Quad Core processor, Travis<br />

recognizes and translates speech for users in less than 2 seconds,<br />

delivering a stunningly clear and concise translation. Compact and<br />

fit for travel, Travis is an indispensable device for all modern age<br />

travelers, whether for business or pleasure.<br />

Multifunction Wifi<br />

Router<br />

N’u kh∏ch sπn chÿ cho phäp mÈt ti÷n ›ch Æ≠Óc k’t nËi<br />

qua mπng kh´ng d©y trong khi bπn c„ nhi“u thi’t b<br />

c«n k’t nËi internet cÔng mÈt lÛc, bÈ Ænh tuy’n Wi-Fi<br />

di ÆÈng HT-TM04 cÒa h∑ng Hootoo sœ lµ gi∂i ph∏p gÏ<br />

rËi tuy÷t vÍi. DÔ c„ k›ch th≠Ìc nh· g‰n, thi’t b nµy cn<br />

kim lu´n ch¯c n®ng lµ bÈ sπc uSB hai cÊng cho Æi÷n<br />

thoπi vµ m∏y t›nh b∂ng. H∑y k’t nËi Ê uSB, bπn c„ th”<br />

nhanh ch„ng chia sŒ h◊nh ∂nh vµ th´ng tin chuy’n Æi cÒa<br />

bπn cho ng≠Íi th©n vµ mπng x∑ hÈi.<br />

If your hotel allows only one device to be connected wirelessly<br />

while you have multiple devices that need internet access<br />

at all times, the Hootoo HT-TM04 Mobile Wi-Fi Router<br />

will solve all of your problems. With its compact design, the<br />

mobile router features a dual USB port to charge your phone<br />

and tablet. Connecting it with your USB flash drive, you can<br />

instantly share your photos and trip information with your<br />

loved ones via social media.<br />

Universal Power Adapter<br />

N’u Æ∆c thÔ c´ng vi÷c cÒa bπn ph∂i di chuy”n nhi“u, lµm vi÷c Î nhi“u<br />

n¨i kh∏c nhau trn th’ giÌi, bπn sœ nhÀn ra rªng Î nh˜ng n≠Ìc kh∏c<br />

nhau sœ c„ Ê Æi÷n thi’t k’ kh∏c nhau. C„ r†t nhi“u ng≠Íi Æ∑ g∆p t◊nh<br />

huËng dÎ kh„c dÎ c≠Íi khi Æi du lch mµ kh´ng th” sˆ dÙng Æ≠Óc c∏c<br />

Ê Æi÷n mang theo tı nhµ. Ph›ch cæm Æi÷n Æa n®ng universal th›ch hÓp<br />

mang theo khi du lch. Thay v◊ ph∂i chu»n b v´ sË nh˜ng adaptor tËn<br />

käm vµ tËn di÷n t›ch, chÿ vÌi chi’c ph›ch cæm nh· g‰n nµy, m‰i loπi Ê<br />

Æi÷n Æ“u kh´ng g©y kh„ kh®n vÌi bπn. C„ th” sˆ dÙng Î trn 150 quËc<br />

gia thuÈc m‰i ch©u lÙc trn th’ giÌi, ph›ch cæm nµy Æ≠Óc m÷nh danh lµ<br />

ph›ch cæm "Æa quËc gia".<br />

If your work requires you to be on the move and travel to different parts<br />

of the world, keep in mind that different countries use different types of<br />

electrical sockets. Many travelers have found themselves in frustrating<br />

situations when they travel without bringing the correct power plug. A<br />

Universal Power Adapter is a must-bring item for all of your travels. Rather<br />

than having to purchase a multitude of costly and space-taking power plugs,<br />

this compact adapter will allow you to connect to any type of power sockets.<br />

It can be used in over 150 countries on every continent of the world, and is<br />

dubbed the "multinational" plug.<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong> 123

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